Koohii o nomimasu ka?
And a question on the 'timeframe' of the battles: More or less, the 'empire' that will win this will be the one made up of people that don't have jobs / school? From what I understand, you have to fight, basically, right after they challange your city?
Well, that's awesome for those of us that work all week or attend classes.
That's my major turnoff on this league too.
Add into this community involvement (in mod team or other), clan trainings, clan events, etc. Also i'm sure some of us have other activities likes sports and so on (I hope at least...). Plus having EU and NA teams means that most matches *must* be played during the day. Well that gives us 2 days in the week where we can play.... Sunday and Saturday.
I am currently pondering all this and will perhaps suggest to my teammates that we enter as a mercenery team. I'm sure most of them are not willing to spend 6+ hours on "a fun simply league". I have not decided yet, but my mind is going in that direction.
Now what will happen if other teams think the same way too? It would be rather disapointing to have 2 empires, 4 merceneries and 1 patriots teams..... Ok, that's a worst case scenario and I doupt it will happen, but...
The basic idea is good, but you have to find a way to organise it so it is less time consuming for everyone.
At the beginning, when you announced this I just thought it would be the kind of informal league, where you have teams that gives challenges to each other. Like you have a challenge forum... you go in and say something "MDC looking for an oponent, saturday, 2100 EST. Anyone up? time negociable". You play the match and have fun. Nothing complicated. No competitive pressure "à-la-ILCR". Maybe I did not interpret your initial announcent correctly (because yes, there was a good part of interpretation in what I thought DTASAL would be). It sounds more like a DTASFC (DTAS Full Campaign) or something than an Action League.