drop dead when sliding down a mountain?

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Phat out of hell
Nov 6, 2001
MIA: please find me
I'm working on a map where you're supposed to slide down a mountain...:D

When you reach 'ground zero', you should be able to take a lift back up it...

The problem is that when you reach ground zero, you die of terminal velocity...:mad: :(

How can I make sure that this doesn't happen, without making it smaller, making it less steep (if I do this you won't slide down it...), making a water pool, or anything like this?

Plz help!!!!!:(
:enforcer: :blueflag: :redflag:


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
I tried making a slide ages ago that gradually leveled out, but the moment you got the the section that was 45 degrees, you died. The only way I know of is to use water. Or, a more unrealistic oprtion would be to place a kicker at the bottom, set bkillvelocity to true and set the z kick velocity to 1. When you hit the kicker, you should effectivly stop instantly without dying.


Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
I've accidentally done this just messing around with the terrain builder. I found if you make like a crevass (two sides of a cliff that angle together, and don't have a flat bottom) that you could land in you'll be fine. Then you could make the crevass angled so you can slide a little ways (not enough to hurt you) so you can regain control.


Phat out of hell
Nov 6, 2001
MIA: please find me
Originally posted by Bot_40
I tried making a slide ages ago that gradually leveled out, but the moment you got the the section that was 45 degrees, you died. The only way I know of is to use water. Or, a more unrealistic oprtion would be to place a kicker at the bottom, set bkillvelocity to true and set the z kick velocity to 1. When you hit the kicker, you should effectivly stop instantly without dying.

Thanks to all of you guys, but Bot still has the best idea...
about the kicker, it sure's hell have to be a lot of 'em...
the gound is 512 wide...


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
you can just up the terminal velocity setting i think. in zoneinfo.

if it works it should look better i think, but it may make the map play different as i think it would reduce all fall damage in that zone...


Phat out of hell
Nov 6, 2001
MIA: please find me
Originally posted by mister_cope
you can just up the terminal velocity setting i think. in zoneinfo.

if it works it should look better i think, but it may make the map play different as i think it would reduce all fall damage in that zone...

I've allready zoned the bottom of the hill...
What do you mean with justing up the terminal velocity?
Standard it's at 2500, so make it eg.8000 or eg. 0?


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001

you just make it higher. adjust till they land how you want. i think.

only problem is, if someone hits the floor at a stupidly, and i mean stupidly high velocity it can screw stuff up.

of course, this was in a zone with a couple of hundred times the gravity...
er, anyway.


Phat out of hell
Nov 6, 2001
MIA: please find me
Originally posted by mister_cope

you just make it higher. adjust till they land how you want. i think.

only problem is, if someone hits the floor at a stupidly, and i mean stupidly high velocity it can screw stuff up.

of course, this was in a zone with a couple of hundred times the gravity...
er, anyway.

I'll see what i can do...
I've also realised, that when you slide down the mountain, backpedalling, you reduce the damage caused to you...
(this will only leave you with 14health or so then...)
Maybe if I line the bottom with hidden medpacks...
(place a rock, make sure it's a non-solid, and place the medpacks under it => walk over a rock to pick up the medpack....)

Anyway, it's getting on very nicely, though it is going to be sumthing primitive...

Another question, can someone give me a link to a soundpack (or sounds) heard when opening a glass door?
contact me on [email protected]
or on IRC:
Server: Quakenet, Channel, #unrealed
under the name ReD_DoT


<img src="http://forums.beyondunreal.com/images/sm
Jan 29, 2002
I'd just go with the kickers, the healthpacks would be weird.

I don't see a glassdoor making a special noise when opening to be honest... the sound an opening door makes depends on HOW it opens, if it's a sliding door etc.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Doubt you could get the movers to work if there is more than one player/bot using the slope at the same time.

And if you increase the zone teminal velocity, it will have the opposite effect. You want to decrease it to something smaller. It's basicly the maximum velocity that players can fall at. If you set it to 10 or so, you can only fall really slowly.


waiting for the worms
Jul 13, 2001
not far enough
Bot_2^3x5^1 is probably right about the mover. Perhaps you can create warpzones to make the illusion of a long cliff (but for most of the fall you would really be going sideways or up or something), but that's overly complicated and probably wouldn't work anyways...

You could have invisible water with the same fluid friction as the friction outside I suppose (so you don't realize ur in water, kinda like dm-pyramid, xcept that you wouldn't be able to go up [use zone velocity])

just some stupid suggestions.