Definetly on for DM, TDM, CTF, etc... not needed for 1on1 though... or probably not anyways, hard to say without having tried the game first ^^ I personally would like to see more TDM maps with all four pickups 50a, 100a, amp and the keg...
briachiae said:Ofcourse!! It causes players to act aggressively! both for picking it up and trying to get the most use out of it before it expires.
No offense, but how long have you been playing the UT series? This isn't your first post in which you state your opinion that...well, goes completely against my own (and other ppl's) opinion.Sachiel said:I like double damage, but its not very effective in 1v1 because the time limit runs out before you find the enemy, i actually think it should last longer.
simply not place it on 1vs1 maps, that should do the trick...Nosnos said:The DD makes 1on1 very defensive, sure there might be a battle for the DD but after that it's just about running away until it has run out...
That brings up another issue of mine. The so-called "-1on1-" map thing got really out of hand with UT2004. Most of the retail ones suck balls, and most community DM mappers turned to making "-1on1-" maps more than anything else because they're easier to make. The end result was we got hardly any maps worth playing because so many of said "-1on1-" maps aren't even good for playing in such a situation. I suggest that there be no maps specified as "-1on1-" at all. Just look at Rankin and Ironic. Those don't have the "-1on1-" tag but they're more than adequate for the game. It should be up to the players which maps they pick as suitable duel maps, not the mappers. The mappers should just focus on making "a good small DM map" or "a good big DM map." That way we get more variety, better maps, and maps that can be more versatile. There's a reason there's a suggested player count when you're picking a map. Rankin says 2-8 players and there's no "-1on1-" tag. That suffices. IMO, at least.UTGirl said:simply not place it on 1vs1 maps, that should do the trick...
lol, I've been playing since UT99 and I do happen to own all three UT games. I also still play UT2004 so don't criticize my credibility and experience in this game, I've played the series since I was 9 years old for god's sake.Originally posted by Taleweaver
No offense, but how long have you been playing the UT series? This isn't your first post in which you state your opinion that...well, goes completely against my own (and other ppl's) opinion.
Uh, no. That isn't why. It's because of the changed armour system.briachiae said:DD isn't used in 1v1 for ut2k4 because it spawns the same time as the 100 and there isn't any real centralized conflict.
I indeed do not agree that it doesn't work in 1vs1: whenever I'm playing a duel with damage amp on, I usually find the enemy two or three times before the timer runs out, even though he's running away all the time (or vice versa, if he gets the thing). However, my complaint is that it works too good in 1vs1: all frags beyond the first are pretty easy since the enemy has to gather all the weapons all over again. That's why it's best not to include the damage amp in the first place (if you make the amp lasts even longer, things will become even more unbalanced).->Sachiel<- said:lol, I've been playing since UT99 and I do happen to own all three UT games. I also still play UT2004 so don't criticize my credibility and experience in this game, I've played the series since I was 9 years old for god's sake.
Uh, you don't agree that it doesn't work in 1v1, because that was basically my complaint and most of the posts after it said that they also didn't like how double damage was done for 1v1 (I was specifically talking about 1v1 in my post, couldn't you tell that?). Oh and sorry for my "making it last longer" suggestion, what I meant was for it to last longer in 1v1 maps. Completely taking double damage out of 1v1 maps is a good idea, completely taking out 1v1 maps is an even better idea.
Calm down. It's not because we disagree with you that we hate you in any way. It's normal that there are differences in opinions; I was just checking whether you had the insights in the game. That's all.->Sachiel<- said:same applies for Turns2Ashes
Not everyone disagrees with what I have to say. Stop hating.
You'd probably would want to stop it from respawning anywhere until the timer of the dropped variant has run out.-AEnubis- said:Here's my take on dropping powerups.
It should take more skill to kill somone with that advantage over you, then it would to time it, and beat an even opponent to it, potientially having to kill him to get it. Yet, currently, you get no reward for doing so, other then nullifying the threat.
Sometimes I feel there should be a cost to using the DD, like being worth double the fags when killed, or dropping it, and delivering it to said opponent. Being able to grab it, and know it's fate for the next 88 seconds is just too safe.