DM-MP-Yaghan][ ( UT )

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Oct 28, 1999
Impossible to do a Singleplayer project of that scale again for free. At that time I was at school, and mapping was about 15% of the work it is today.

"Do you mean that you are selling your work sometimes?
Are you already working for someone"

yes, yes

Lord Kafer

Ah! It Burns!!!
Jan 17, 2004
Saskatchewan, Canada
Nice work milb! Can't wait to play it! Just one question though: why is the wall lit below the torches? Just nit-picking I know. It's acceptable as it is.

By the way my username is partly Deutsch. I love the Volkswagen bug (Kafer). But I'm keeping the first part English until I know German as well as you know English just so I don't get hordes of e-mails I can't read :)


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Damn guys I have bad news for you. It looks like this map never can be released. I have really hard problems with the performance. I tried to play my map, but I can count the frames. I think the big outdoor part of the map is the reason for this problem. But I don't really know the reason. So I can't release this map and I don't want to release another buggy map ( my first one had massive lightingproblems, not all surfaces are lit ). Maybe I build a new Yaghan map ( same theme ), but not at this time. Hm, I don't know what I can do to have a better performance.

why is the wall lit below the torches? Just nit-picking I know. It's acceptable as it is.
? I don't really undertsand whta you try to say. Every torch or lightsource have a light, maybe it don't look realistic, but I don't want it to look realistic. But, just vorget it!

P.S. The german word for bug is "Käfer". I think the letter "ä" don't be used in english. But I know this car, a funny one ( "Er läuft und läuft und läuft" ).

Lord Kafer

Ah! It Burns!!!
Jan 17, 2004
Saskatchewan, Canada
? I don't really undertsand whta you try to say. Every torch or lightsource have a light, maybe it don't look realistic, but I don't want it to look realistic. But, just vorget it!

Umm. . . Don't have a great example except the pics below. The first is part of one of your screenshots, the other I edited in Photoshop. But if you're not trying to make it realistic, well. . . ;)

P.S. The german word for bug is "Käfer". I think the letter "ä" don't be used in english. But I know this car, a funny one ( "Er läuft und läuft und läuft" ).

Yeah, I probably knew that "ä" stuff once upon a time. I would change it but once again I don't want people assuming I know German yet. Thanks for the info though.

Damn guys I have bad news for you. It looks like this map never can be released. I have really hard problems with the performance.

If you make the beta available for download we could maybe help you fix the problem.


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****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Jet I understand. Yes I know this problem, the position of the lights is the cause of this prob. I try to fix it. Maybe I build a smaller 1on1 version and I will make it and I try to make it better in this map. I've started I smaller version yesterday. And I try to divide the big aoutdoor area in some parts, maybe the performance is better.
I don't think you can help me, don't understand me wrong. I mean, I've tested it, and some other guys tested it. It doesn't work. And these guys know the ED very well, I don't think you can tell me something new. The map has a to big outdoor area, this is the problem. And I knwo how to fix that. But thanks!
You want to have a beta, no problem. I need only your e-mail adress.


Be nice to me...
Feb 11, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Too big hum?... let me your sky mad with a sky box on the side with the "fake backdrop" setting? :rolleyes: or you just have an incredebly big outdoor area cube...

and what is your pc, new stuff?


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Ok, if you want I post a link. But I've deleted a lot of detail und Brushs. And it doesn't matter to me. Cause I've started a smaller map.
The problem is the huge ( hm, it's not a big cube but the sky is a big cube ) outdoor area. No chance to divide thsi area in zones. The portals are to big and it would be the same performance. If it's not worser then now.
Hm, but I don't think this big cube ( for the sky ) is the reason. My PC isn't new but ok. GF4Ti4200 128MB Ram ( i know this card sucks ), AMD 2,6GHz, 512 DDR Ram. I think that really ok for UT!
P.S. Later I post the link!

Edit: To big and to detailed for only one zone!
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Be nice to me...
Feb 11, 2004
Montreal, Canada
I say let us check it out anyway, if it runs like sh!t we might be able to find what is the prob. If we can't then your f*cked!
( oups, excusez moi...) :D


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Ok ok! If you want it, there it i here
Hm, i think my PC is also a cause for the bad performace! But you can count the frames. I'm sure about that. If you come from the bridge to the flag and then watch back, thats the hardest part!

Edit: Now the link is right!
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Be nice to me...
Feb 11, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Poor Perfomance...

ok...i tried your map and yes it is a bit jerky at some places and i don't know why because it is not that big at all!

I also have a fearly new system too: P4 2.4 ghz 512 ddr asus gf4 128 mb ect...all my parts are top brands and quality stuff...

I'm not an expert but could it be your custom textures that are causing that?
or too many zones could create that? ( sorry i'm a bit rusted, was away for a long time so i don't want to bull you! :D )

In fact i went into the editor and i added some lights in your dark "unfinished" inside section just to see when running into it and the editor froze almost every times i add or change stuff! :rolleyes: i also found the rebuilt time quite long too...hummmm......

Also, i found your sky a bit boring (for my taste) so i took the liberty to make it a bit more attractive and realistic ;) ...i will post screenies tomorow if you want to see them. :)


Be nice to me...
Feb 11, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hey what's up milb? i don't know if you check my last post but have a look at your map with a new sky!

It looks even better in the game also... :cool:


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****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Hm, I looked every day in this Thread, nothig new. I live in Germany so I can't be on when you're posting.
I think now you know my problem. The map isn't detialed to much. The zoneprotals have the right size. I don't know why this map is so lag! But f*ck it, I've build a new version of this map. At this time the perof is ok, but wait for the final :D . Your sky looks good, but my boring sky looks better to me. The skybox is something i hate to build. So don't put to much work on it. The problem with adding lights is normal. The light shines at to mich faces, that crashes the ED. Switsch to the Wireframe Mode and add it there or maybe in the Portalmode.
could it be your custom textures that are causing that?
No, it can't be. The tex are simpel, not big, nothing on it. With gamecontent tex I have the same effect. So, I'am sure tht the tex are ok.
or too many zones could create that?
No, the map has only two zones ( I think ). And i tried to divide the big outdoor part in some zones. It doesn't work! Cause the potals are huge and thats really bad for the perfo.
THX for the try! But like I said before I started to build a new map ( same theme ). It's smaller not so open as the first one. And the GP would be much better then in the first.
P.S. What means "bull"


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
No, I've kicked the map from my HDD! But you're not allowed to use this map as base... you know, as usual. If you want to use the Theme, ok it don't matter to me.
P.S. Germ+Inet noob=HÄ? ( What? )

Lord Kafer

Ah! It Burns!!!
Jan 17, 2004
Saskatchewan, Canada
I can't wait to see the new map, I just hope you don't run into the same problem. I finally found some time to look the map over last night. It's so small! With all your talk of a huge outdoor area I was expecting Lava Giant or Face :lol: Also the poly count isn't very high at all (a few BSP holes though). Actually it ran quite well on my comp. It would make an awesome 1 on 1 as is (minus the unlit area).

I did however discover what I suspect is the map's problem. It's the lights. there are 84! I'm not sure why you would need so many on such a small map, and right now I'm not sure what it is about the settings of the light actors that might be a problem. It will take me some time to go through that many lights! One of the largest clues to this problem is the extreme long build time on "Illumination Occluding". I selected all lights and pressed delete - problem solved. Of course then you'd have to relight the whole level :(

This may also be why adding new lights is a problem.

There is also a potential problem with the way you construct some brushes, but in this case it's probably just personal preference.

I'll do some more research.

Keep up the good work!
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****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Ok, it's not huge! But i think it's to huge and detailed for the engine. I dunno but it semms like I ve put to much detail in this map. Actually the map isn't detailed enough!
I think I've said it's a beta or alpha! I uploaded it cause blueeyes wanted it! Not because it's final!
Many lights??? Where?? In this map? Ok, maybe there many lights but I think I need them. For example, if I put a big light in the ( not so huge :D ) outddor part the ED crashes. Cause the Light shines at to much faces. If I put many lights in the outdoorpart the ED crashes, cause the count of lights. So what should I do? Crash or Crash?
The way I counstruct brush? Give me some examples. I really don't know what you're meaning! All the brushs from the ShapeED?
THX for you're feedback. But don't expect to much. The new map isn't bigger then that one, but it's mor twisty then that one. I hope I can show you some pics this weekend.
P.S. The new on will be a 2on2 Map ( hopefully :D )


Be nice to me...
Feb 11, 2004
Montreal, Canada
This crashing thing is not normal! i don't know what you did wrong but the hell with it.
I would not waste more time in it!

Lord Kafer

Ah! It Burns!!!
Jan 17, 2004
Saskatchewan, Canada
Forget what I said about brushes. I just do them differently, not that I have any particular reason to do so. I hate the 2d shape editor. It really seems buggy.

I agree that the crashing problem is not normal. I also agree that spending any more time on it would probably be fruitless.

Good luck on the next one.


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
@Blueeyes: It doen't crash at my PC! The problem are the poly's ( faces ). I know that. Ok maybe it's normal to you. But I know maps from other guy's, where you can't add light without a crash. And I read so many threads about this problem at I can't count them. I think the Ed is the problem. Everyone try to do a map wich looks really good and then you mostly get this problems. If I look at the lod maps of UT I see only undetialed maps. And if you want do the opposite of this you'll get this probs. And I want try to make my maps look good. With the 2.0 thats hard to do. But I don't want to use the 3.0 cause I hate this Ed and this kind of mapping. It's not the mapping I know for 4 years. And I'm not a modelller so Ut2k3 mapping isn't the right thing for me. But, like I said, I killed this map and build a new.
@Lord Kafer: Yes the ShapeED is a thing for it's own, but it's a real simple way to do some brushes. All the brushs from the shape should be semisolid. And then you should merge the brush. That could help.
Yes the old one isn't bad for a 1on1. But, if a make it a 1on1 I build it completly new.
Old map killed! New one started! Just forget the old one. Forget what I say!


****** from Teen Arts
Feb 12, 2004
Two pics from the new one. I hope you can see something. Maybe they're to dark. You see the new one looks like the old.


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