Hm, I looked every day in this Thread, nothig new. I live in Germany so I can't be on when you're posting.
I think now you know my problem. The map isn't detialed to much. The zoneprotals have the right size. I don't know why this map is so lag! But f*ck it, I've build a new version of this map. At this time the perof is ok, but wait for the final
. Your sky looks good, but my boring sky looks better to me. The skybox is something i hate to build. So don't put to much work on it. The problem with adding lights is normal. The light shines at to mich faces, that crashes the ED. Switsch to the Wireframe Mode and add it there or maybe in the Portalmode.
could it be your custom textures that are causing that?
No, it can't be. The tex are simpel, not big, nothing on it. With gamecontent tex I have the same effect. So, I'am sure tht the tex are ok.
or too many zones could create that?
No, the map has only two zones ( I think ). And i tried to divide the big outdoor part in some zones. It doesn't work! Cause the potals are huge and thats really bad for the perfo.
THX for the try! But like I said before I started to build a new map ( same theme ). It's smaller not so open as the first one. And the GP would be much better then in the first.
P.S. What means "bull"