Hourences wrote...
and never compare your maps with the original epic maps the epic maps are way too old, they only have the basic idea in them, compare your map with a few of the new good maps
Hourences, your absolutely right and I'll keep that in mind from now on.
Rabid Wolf wrote...
dude, my one goal in life is to be loved by as many ghey mappers as possible. so I'm more than happy to see you admit having to love me.
So now I'm a "ghey" mapper LMAO whatever 'DUDE".
Don't bother yourself with replying to my posts if your just gonna be a childish *******.
mister_cope wrote...
dont take it all personally.
its just that a lot of the NC hill billies get offended by non-humble noobs.
Now that's comedy rflmao
At least most of you are cool peepz.