UT3 DM-Chronomancer - A battle through time [BETA1]

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New Member
Jun 30, 2008
Name: DM-Chronomancer - A battle through time.
Version: BETA 1 - released 18/04/09
Compatibility: v2,0 - Titan Pack (Titan Assets used)

STORY/THEME: The average Axon soldier never knew about the research facility Elara V, let alone the work on the time displacement equipment there, but after the loss of all contact with the base, every available unit is scrambled to the site to secure the decisive technology. Little do they know what awaits them there.


The map was designed around a central hazard zone with heavy emphasis on z-Axis fighting and mobility. Control of the Jump Boots (which are located in the most dangerous area of the map) is the key to victory, as they allow quick access to every level.
The Monitor room/Liftshaft is the next area of focus. It contains the chest armor, 5 health vials and the monitor screen that displays the spawning of super items in the opposite timezone. There is line of sight into the Monitor Room from many other areas of the map through the Liftshaft, so alot of inter-level fighting will be focused here.
One super powerup spawns in each timezone (Damage Amp in the Present and the Shieldbelt in the Future) so fighting through both timezones is extremely important in gaining control of the map.
The lower generator room is a place of refuge, it contains health and the entrance to the lift.
There are liftjumps that allow quick access to the Time Portal, and safe access to the Shock Rifle, and for all you trick-jump pros, there is a hidden X-ray field in the Present timezone and a Stasis Field in the Future.
Despite the epic scale of the map, it was designed with duels/small team games in mind. I think the map will play best with between 2 and 8 players, Duel or TDM.

DOWNLOAD PC (PS3 to come):
MSUC version on FilePlanet now available: http://www.fileplanet.com/200205/200000/fileinfo/Unreal-Tournament-3---DM-Chronomancer (this is a slightly tweaked version,, its not really a full Beta2, so not worth an extra download if u already have the map, but if u dont have it yet, get this one)

INSTALLATION: Extract to My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps

CREDITS: Me, Epic, H.G.Wells, Thomas Cole, Takashi Tezuka, the L.H.C, the contributers to the 'DM-Gameplay' thread: http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=642505
Tutorials: 3D Buzz(UT3 Special Edition DVD), Hourences, DGUnreal, cannedmushrooms, godfree7 & kcin228(Youtube).

Theme: A DM level set in a single phisical space, but in two different timezones. The origonal concept came from the Super Nintendo game Zelda III, where the hero is able to warp between two dimensions that occupy the same phisical space. When I played DM-Gateway for the first time, I got the idea to create a level where instead of warping between phisical spaces, u warp between timezones. I was origonaly going to create a level set in the different seasons but thought that the winter-summer cycles would be too close to DM-Gateway enviroments. It was then I remembered one of my favourite (series of) paintings Thomas Cole called 'The Course of Empire':
This depics the evolution of a landscape over 100s of years as a great civilisation comes to its zenith then descends into ruin(s).
As the idea took shape, further inspiration came from Valve's 'Portal, the fast teleporter maps for Quake3 CPMA and this series of paintings showing post-apocyliptic Tokyo becoming overgrown beneath tropical vegitation:
[screenshot]http://www.pinktentacle.com/images/tokyo_genso_4.jpg[/screenshot] [screenshot]http://cache.io9.com/assets/images/io9/2008/08/tokyo_genso_5.jpg[/screenshot] [screenshot]http://www.pinktentacle.com/images/tokyo_genso_6.jpg[/screenshot]
The central hazard area was inspired by this shot of the Large Hadron Collider:
Gameplay - Layout: After reading through this great thread on DM Gameplay: http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=642505
it seems that players enjoy freedom of movement, risk-reward and Z-Axis fighting. These were the key elements I designed this stage around.

There are major problems with bots. Bots seem to be able to overide aircontrol and other laws to navigate pathnodes as they see fit. I imagine this was done to compensate for thier lack of real intelligence as you bump up thier difficulty level. The problem this causes is that they can choose to stop dead in the Time Portal and get caught in an infinite warp. Im going to try out some different configurations in future releases, but the Portal works perfectly for how I want it in multiplayer and bots are low on my priority list.
When you test this out, please try to take a run through solo, or with other players.
The two timezone configuration I think could work well as a Greed map. If there is enough demand, I will consider undertaking the conversion.
PS3 version.
Whatever else comes up.

ENJOY, Crayfish.
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2005
W00ting himself on CTF-AllYourW00T
Some criticism before I actually paly the map.

- That grey brick material, which you use absolutely everywhere, is extremely repetitive and boring. Some different materials definitely wouldn't hurt.
- On the first piccie red/pink light doesn't seem to have any source.
- Floor texture you use in techy part doesn't work that well.


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
Thankyou for your input.
Some of the texturing choices made, are based around having continuity through both timezones. Finding textures that have two versions that work with the specific needs (clean shiny-dank grimy) of both was hard. The ones I whent with were the best trade off for the overall effect (which was the priority), tho not ideal when viewed in isolation. Agree on more variation, I would idealy like alot more brush sinking and grate meshes etc.. but finer details have taken a back seat due to time constraints (Im working on other projects too), tho in time I'd like to do more.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
You were saying that you originally wanted to do this idea except for the different seasons? Just google dm-seasons and you'll find out that someone has already done it for you. Alternatively google ctf4-seasons and you will find out that i've already done it for you :p

But i'm loving the map idea, can't wait to play this one (can't right now, my graphics card has borked)


I used to be a man
May 17, 2008

I was just starting a plan for a similar map!


, we need more phase shifting / time warping maps like this!


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
You were saying that you originally wanted to do this idea except for the different seasons? Just google dm-seasons and you'll find out that someone has already done it for you. Alternatively google ctf4-seasons and you will find out that i've already done it for you :p

But i'm loving the map idea, can't wait to play this one (can't right now, my graphics card has borked)

lol, its always the way, get a good idea, google it and someone has done it already :p
I wonder if that is where the Epic designers got the idea for DM-Gateway, coss that was my initial inspiration (along with Zelda III) with its winter-tropical enviroments..
Im glad I didn't go with the seasons idea now :lol:
& thanks too Interbellum.


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
I've looked up you map, but it wont show up in the list when i load 2004? There is a folder called system in the zip but it doesn't contain anything, am i missing files? If u have a U-tube vid I'd like to see it. Anyway I've read the description , it sounds cool, not really thinking about supernatural themes personaly, but it would be cool to see a concept like this in UT3 for sure :)


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
Just downloaded it to make sure, you should be seeing PhaseShift.u and PhaseShift.ini in the system folder.
Thanks, ill find another download and check it out.
You should make this into a SP level instead! :D
Yeah i had several gameplay ideas, like from the lightworld-darkworld setup in Zelda III, where actions in one world affect another, but they wern't suited to DM gameplay. The only idea I left in was the monitors that show when the super items spawn in the opposite timezone.