I've decided to put my map here to have the professionals take a gander and give me some pointers. It's VERY big but it runs great with 18 playing (I've had up to 24). This is my 1st map so please beat it up all you like... I can take it
Gui said:And what about a download link?
ValleyFly said:I don't have a site up but I have a T3 line at work to be able to send it. I don't think it'd be wise to set up a link there
Any other way I can get it to you?
Gui said:Why don't you give a try to Unreal Playground? Registration is free and you can upload beta maps aswell
Gui said:Can't find file for package 'kingstowers'
Gui said:If you included it in MyLevel, it shouldn't ask for it
Maybe you did a mistake in typing the name of the package...
Just update the .zip file at UP and post a message when this new version is ready
SkaarjMaster said:Go ahead and request the review! It's worth it! Sorry no response on that last beta, I got side tracked.
SkaarjMaster said:You might want to try requesting it again, because I don't see it in the review queue.