Project name:
Brief description:
Divine is an Unreal Tournament 3 Mod based primarily on the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors and the Total War series. This is not a mod that is just about new graphics, new story, and new characters, but rather it is essentially an entirely new game. We will be completely revamping the Unreal engine to feature a third-person, melee focused combat system. On top of this, we will be adding pre-battle options including troop placement, troop equipment, and tactics, as well as an in-depth character creation and progression system. All this is coupled with a riveting storyline (I think so, at least) that involves a brand new world full of ridiculous possibilities.
We are currently just beginning production, with our camera nearly finished and the Squad system AI being worked on. We also have some new art coming out soon, so we are definitely beginning to make progress.
Target aim:
My main goal is to first create a working prototype/short demo mod showcasing gameplay, features, and a teaser storyline, possibly three levels long or so. After this I'll be e-mailing/traveling around to see if we have any professional bites. Considering this is a ridiculously high goal, we definitely plan to finish the project no matter what.
Profit Sharing... Oh Wait! (Hopefully you get this joke)
Unreal Tournament 3 Editor
Talent needed:
At this point, the shape of the project is completely moldable, meaning anyone joining can easily contribute their ideas to help form this into a game they want as well. If there is one thing I can't stress enough it is this: this is an opportunity to inject your ideas into a project, rather than just working on someone elses goals. While our basic framework is set, there are still many things available to insert, take out, or create, and you can help decide what those are.
Current Needs:
2-3 Concept Artists - Our main need at this time is environmental concept artists, but character artists are welcome to apply.
2-3 3D Artists/Animators - Mainly in need of character modelers at this time (low poly), as I mentioned above that we really have no environments to model. But I'd still love to hear from you if you do full environments, as I'm sure eventually we'll find someone to draw up some concepts. At this time, we do not need anyone who just does crates, barrels, and props.
2 Coders - This is currently our biggest need. We have one, but he just began the transition from C++ to Unrealscript a week ago, so it could take some time. Could really use some help here at this point
1 Level Designer - It would be a huge plus if you did Kismet and some of your own textures/assets, but if you don't, we'll work something out, I could still use you.
1 Interface Designer - This could be filled by one of our 2D or 3D artists, but I'm currently in need of someone to do all of our menu art. In Unreal, menus are done by just overlaying buttons on top of an image, so this person is responsible for doing the image and textures for all the menus. Essentially, just a photoshop guru with a creative imagination.
Team structure:
Current Team:
2 Writers/Designers
1 Coder
2 Concept Artists
2 3D Artists
1 Level Designer/Environment Modeler
As far as what I do: I have no specific talent to speak of, so yes, I'm that stereotypical "idea-leader-guy," but I have general knowledge about everything. I can read code fairly well and understand the level design, but actually doing it, probably not so successful. I have very strong communications skills, learn fast, have a decent chunk of spare time, great leadership ability, and am a pretty smooth talker, so hopefully that gets me somewhere.
MSN: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
I check either about 1,934 times a day, so whichever is easier for you.
Previous Work by Team:
I coded Collapse in my CS class at one point. I don't know how far that will ever get me, but I just couldn't bring myself to put none.
Several of our artists have worked on some previous projects and have some incredible work to show. I'll be happy to show you what they are capable of through e-mail or PM if you want an idea of our current skill level.
Additional Info:
Rather than creating a huge wall of text for the intricacies of the project, I've posted a link above to our "About" page. This has all the planned gameplay features and introduction to the story. Even if you think Dynasty Warriors is a terrible game (Hell, I think it is), I'd like to urge you to check it out anyway, because it really is not all that similar. Yes, there is multiple units on screen, and yes, you played a super-human that slays hundreds of troops, but that is about where the similarities end. The depth and scope of this project is 100x what Dynasty Warriors is, so please at least check us out.
As I mention on the website, please don't let our lack of progress completely turn you away. A lack of progress essentially mean your own ideas have more say in shaping the project. Everyone starts somewhere. We currently have a pretty solid base team and more content will be coming soon. I have no doubt that once we get further progressed that interest will skyrocket as this isn't exactly your run-of-the-mill mod.
Brief description:
Divine is an Unreal Tournament 3 Mod based primarily on the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors and the Total War series. This is not a mod that is just about new graphics, new story, and new characters, but rather it is essentially an entirely new game. We will be completely revamping the Unreal engine to feature a third-person, melee focused combat system. On top of this, we will be adding pre-battle options including troop placement, troop equipment, and tactics, as well as an in-depth character creation and progression system. All this is coupled with a riveting storyline (I think so, at least) that involves a brand new world full of ridiculous possibilities.
We are currently just beginning production, with our camera nearly finished and the Squad system AI being worked on. We also have some new art coming out soon, so we are definitely beginning to make progress.
Target aim:
My main goal is to first create a working prototype/short demo mod showcasing gameplay, features, and a teaser storyline, possibly three levels long or so. After this I'll be e-mailing/traveling around to see if we have any professional bites. Considering this is a ridiculously high goal, we definitely plan to finish the project no matter what.
Profit Sharing... Oh Wait! (Hopefully you get this joke)
Unreal Tournament 3 Editor
Talent needed:
At this point, the shape of the project is completely moldable, meaning anyone joining can easily contribute their ideas to help form this into a game they want as well. If there is one thing I can't stress enough it is this: this is an opportunity to inject your ideas into a project, rather than just working on someone elses goals. While our basic framework is set, there are still many things available to insert, take out, or create, and you can help decide what those are.
Current Needs:
2-3 Concept Artists - Our main need at this time is environmental concept artists, but character artists are welcome to apply.
2-3 3D Artists/Animators - Mainly in need of character modelers at this time (low poly), as I mentioned above that we really have no environments to model. But I'd still love to hear from you if you do full environments, as I'm sure eventually we'll find someone to draw up some concepts. At this time, we do not need anyone who just does crates, barrels, and props.
2 Coders - This is currently our biggest need. We have one, but he just began the transition from C++ to Unrealscript a week ago, so it could take some time. Could really use some help here at this point
1 Level Designer - It would be a huge plus if you did Kismet and some of your own textures/assets, but if you don't, we'll work something out, I could still use you.
1 Interface Designer - This could be filled by one of our 2D or 3D artists, but I'm currently in need of someone to do all of our menu art. In Unreal, menus are done by just overlaying buttons on top of an image, so this person is responsible for doing the image and textures for all the menus. Essentially, just a photoshop guru with a creative imagination.
Team structure:
Current Team:
2 Writers/Designers
1 Coder
2 Concept Artists
2 3D Artists
1 Level Designer/Environment Modeler
As far as what I do: I have no specific talent to speak of, so yes, I'm that stereotypical "idea-leader-guy," but I have general knowledge about everything. I can read code fairly well and understand the level design, but actually doing it, probably not so successful. I have very strong communications skills, learn fast, have a decent chunk of spare time, great leadership ability, and am a pretty smooth talker, so hopefully that gets me somewhere.
MSN: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
I check either about 1,934 times a day, so whichever is easier for you.
Previous Work by Team:
I coded Collapse in my CS class at one point. I don't know how far that will ever get me, but I just couldn't bring myself to put none.
Several of our artists have worked on some previous projects and have some incredible work to show. I'll be happy to show you what they are capable of through e-mail or PM if you want an idea of our current skill level.
Additional Info:
Rather than creating a huge wall of text for the intricacies of the project, I've posted a link above to our "About" page. This has all the planned gameplay features and introduction to the story. Even if you think Dynasty Warriors is a terrible game (Hell, I think it is), I'd like to urge you to check it out anyway, because it really is not all that similar. Yes, there is multiple units on screen, and yes, you played a super-human that slays hundreds of troops, but that is about where the similarities end. The depth and scope of this project is 100x what Dynasty Warriors is, so please at least check us out.
As I mention on the website, please don't let our lack of progress completely turn you away. A lack of progress essentially mean your own ideas have more say in shaping the project. Everyone starts somewhere. We currently have a pretty solid base team and more content will be coming soon. I have no doubt that once we get further progressed that interest will skyrocket as this isn't exactly your run-of-the-mill mod.
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