Well, I've said that I think the scopes views need to be tweaked, that they bounce way too much. So here is a view through a 6x scope with a digital camera. A little more twitchy than usual cause my arm was about to die after 20 tries of getting it right. This is in a crouch aimed at an old pool pump so you can get a good idea of scope twitch. Half way through the mov I move the scope up a bit and then over a little so no thats not drift .
Thats intentional movement.
So, here is real video and everyone can decide for themselves.
Right click on the link and select "save target as" to download.
Scope View .250 Savage, 1-9x Remington variable scope. Shot at 6X.
edit: Oh, and its about 4.5 MB and 15 seconds long in case anyone was wondering.
Thats intentional movement.
So, here is real video and everyone can decide for themselves.
Right click on the link and select "save target as" to download.
Scope View .250 Savage, 1-9x Remington variable scope. Shot at 6X.
edit: Oh, and its about 4.5 MB and 15 seconds long in case anyone was wondering.
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