Dev, in the first PIC showing the rear what is that on the bottom left of your bumper?? Looks like a hole or something..
This is going to be a nice project..
This is going to be a nice project..
TAZTG said:Dev, in the first PIC showing the rear what is that on the bottom left of your bumper??
«BuA»Devastator said:I bought it this way. The car got in a little accident and one of the mufflers unhooked and melted the bumper cover.
Bonecrusher said:what kind of exhaust system you got/getting? Flowmasters? Where you dumping it?
CypherTDC said:YEah i would recommend the flowmasters dev, i have them on my car, i have a LT1 firebird its only slightly modded, just stuff to make it breath better like intake and exaust and stuff but the flows are sweet.
«BuA»Bad-Target said:that maynot be possible with all the Mooses running around up there, right?