Deer Hunter 2005 vs Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2006
Deer Hunter has a more realistic feel to it. The levels are larger (although this makes for more wandering) and the weapons are widely customizeable.. actually custom isn't the right word.. you can basically build your own gun. In real life firearms manufactures usually make their line of rifles/pistols in a number of chamberings so rather than try to recreate each of them, the developers simply left it up to the player to combine cartidge type, rifle style (bolt, semi, lever, pump, muzzle,) mount a selection of scopes (including the resident evil thermal scope lol) another nice touch was that just about everything you could do had a 1st person animation. When you looked at a map, you unfolded one and looked at it rather than simply having a menu overlay. The only big draw back to the game was that it was realistic to a fault.. you can spend like 30 mins wandering around in a virtual forest and never see a thing. Oh and the music licks balls. You can can practically smell the budwiser reeking off some Hick in flanal slapping his neek while attempting to do offroad doughnuts in his tundra... ooooh yeah! But other than that a pretty decent hunting sim.
Cabelas Big game hunter does something entirely different. Rather than just let you pick an area/season/time and go hunting it offers a "campaign" mode where you travel the world doing the pokemon thing of trying to take get each of the 50 or some animals you can hunt. (gota catch them all) what makes the mode uniuqe is that it plays like an RPG. You first go to the area's lodge talk with the warden, get your paperwork, talk with NPC's buy weapons and equipment, sleep in your room (passes game time as well as heals you) which does add a new level of adventure to the genere. Unfortunatly the game suffers from Console-itus.. the disease where game feels like it's a port of a console title. Nothing feels "simulation" like at all.. The weapons have no customization unless you count elevation and windage. And the animal AI seems borked because i was being constantly attacked by wolverines or something hostile, and the damage system also feels very crapy.. I nicked a deer in the rear hoof area, and it killed in one shot. Another thing is the bullet camera. Deer Hunter 2k5 also has a bullet camera that happens when you fire a clean shot as something of a treat.. In big game hunter the bullet camera is either on or off, and when it's on... it's for every shot you take. I quickly found myself cheating by just shooting an arrow upwards and doing some UAV styled recon of the level..
If your looking for hardcore realism, i'd go with the Deer Hunter 2k5, but if your more intrested in a Hunting RPG that's very light on the realism i'd say go with big game hunter.