Damage system

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I'd rather die than give you control.
Jan 13, 2001
about 30ft behind you.
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Have you ever been shot in the groin? How do you know you wouldnt pass out from the pain at least and with that tremendous bleeding that would be the same thing. Passng out from pain is shock


Don't hate me because I'm pretty
Feb 19, 2002
Houston Texas
Beretta_Abuser said:
one remark about TTR:
just losing the respawning would solve the problem also, what the hell is respawning doing in a realistic game anyway?
i see it as a challange to get kills while crippeled, killing urself would be lame and weak...
I can think of one good use for respawning. What about respawning only if you are still alive? This would give critically injured players a reason to try to get back to the spawn point instead of Ramboing their way to glory. It would also give the other players a reason to help the dying and injured players back to safety.
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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Respawning very much has a place in a realistic shooter. Of course I haven't played with respawn in a very long time.

Don't think of a respawn as you coming back to life because its not. Its a replacement for the idiot who got himself killed. You just happen to be controling him.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
As a somewhat irrelevant comment, how would scoring work with such types of damage models? In team deathmatch, should the winning side be forced to "clean up" duty, finishing off all the enemy players who are too critically wounded to do much, but still technically "alive"? Or have you allready won if all the enemies are either dead or wounded? How wounded do you have to be to be out of commision? If TDM is obsolete in 2.9 as they say, I guess it's not too important, but it's worth thinking about.

Also, if I shoot a guy and he falls in the river and drown on his own is it still "my" kill? If I nail a guy and he's crippled but still alive, then my team mate finishes him off, whose kill is it? I guess the best way to do it would be to count hits for different parts of the body instead of actual kills. This works better than a simple "accuracy" rating because it differenciates someone with high accuracy who only hits in the legs and arms, and sometimes the chest, from someone who has high accuracy and only hits in the head.


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
TDM is obsolete, and I don't think anyone will miss it. You could make a very complex system giving people points for wounding enemies or inadvertant kills by drowning,..... or, you could just not score kills like in 2.9.

If they were to give points for kills, I would think it'd be only if your bullet did the killing. If they drown or are still alive, then no kill. Also, the INF team might count incapacitated and killed as the same thing like it does now.