We all seem to be very attached to certain classic maps, such as Facing-Worlds, Morbias, Morpheus, and Deck 16.
There have been tons of remakes over the years. Indeed we have a couple of crackers in the ut99.org 2012 Xmas map-pack.
The winner was in fact one of the best "Face" remakes we have seen in a long time.
Well it seems us lucky UT fans are about to get another treat, from another UT-Jedi. The awesome Creavion.
Anyone familiar with Creavion's maps, will know why I often call him Creavion "Lord of the Jungle".
Anyone not familiar with his maps, well you really have missed-out on something special.
His last map DM-FeelNaPali is a very pleasant place to kill your friends in.
If you get the UT99.org Map-pack 2 and you will find a few large and lush paradises to disappear into.
One of them is a Monster-Hunt, but I favour adding spawning Dinosaurs, monsters and/or zombies to the others anyway.
UTR - UT Community Map Pack 2 (This pack installs UT2K4 style pickups)
There is also a Hi-Res texture pack available for the "Antalius" map available, which you can find at "Your Unreal"
It seems that Creavion has decided he wants to do a remake this-time, but done Creav-style.
A few of us have been kept posted on the WIP, and as it is getting close to finished I'm here to let you luvly peeps in on it too.
I've started a WIP album at "Your Unreal" so those interested can have a peek.
This map uses Hi-Res textures by default, so you will need current video renderers.
You can check more out and leave comments at CTF-FacePalm (WIP)
Or visit UT99.org | Unreal Tournament Community and give Creavion a shout.
Falling off the edge in this is gonna give vertigo sufferers a problem !
Both towers are different as 1 stays in the shade it is lifeless, whereas the other is covered in greenery.
You will also notice a new area to the side of the bridge, we can use.
Mmmm, this is shaping-up well, and would look best with modern Hi-Res weapons like NW3.
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