Concerning the TL, most CTF variations have some form of accellerated motion for non-flag carriers. Making it more sporting for chasing the flag. Or games like TFC where your natural class attributes have equal weaknesses as to how others can off you being the flag carrier. The TL has the unreal personality, and isn't going anywhere, considering this won't go class based, and I never really like the grappling hook thing, or the idea of moving slower with a flag on your back. That though, was indeed the intent of the TL, not reaching things you couldn't without it.
The flag used to be more effected by physics, but was fixed due to exploitation (see redeemer jumps).
As much as I'd like to say I do whole heartedly agree with Discords post, becasue those are indeed excellent ideas for pub play, I don't think that I would fully enjoy that much "auto-mation," especially in more competative play.
What I really liked, in a game of that nature, was the voice menu system in Tribes. We used to have full conversations with that system, because it was brilliantly set up, relatively easy to learn, and the default control set left your hands in home position, so you could use it well, without dropping your mouse, or losing your hands place on the keyboard. I use ESDF to this day still becasue of that game, and really wish epic would drop the current number system in their voice menu. Associating letters to categories of speech, and below that, letters to each speach by letters used in the names of all this, could make it easy to learn, and useful. Only possible issues would be it's a little bit more damaging to take your hand off walk forward sometimes, because of the way Unreal flows, you don't have "flight time" like in Tribes to do that stuff, but I did a lot of it walking as well, so... Other problem is not everyone can touch type, but then they tried to fix that, and it kinda went down hill...
For pub play though, those suggestions are brilliant, and maybe my only real problem with automation is lack of the ability to show said communication skills, or of course, more so, the natural lack of versitility that any automation creates. There are always serverside options for that though...
The flag used to be more effected by physics, but was fixed due to exploitation (see redeemer jumps).
As much as I'd like to say I do whole heartedly agree with Discords post, becasue those are indeed excellent ideas for pub play, I don't think that I would fully enjoy that much "auto-mation," especially in more competative play.
What I really liked, in a game of that nature, was the voice menu system in Tribes. We used to have full conversations with that system, because it was brilliantly set up, relatively easy to learn, and the default control set left your hands in home position, so you could use it well, without dropping your mouse, or losing your hands place on the keyboard. I use ESDF to this day still becasue of that game, and really wish epic would drop the current number system in their voice menu. Associating letters to categories of speech, and below that, letters to each speach by letters used in the names of all this, could make it easy to learn, and useful. Only possible issues would be it's a little bit more damaging to take your hand off walk forward sometimes, because of the way Unreal flows, you don't have "flight time" like in Tribes to do that stuff, but I did a lot of it walking as well, so... Other problem is not everyone can touch type, but then they tried to fix that, and it kinda went down hill...
For pub play though, those suggestions are brilliant, and maybe my only real problem with automation is lack of the ability to show said communication skills, or of course, more so, the natural lack of versitility that any automation creates. There are always serverside options for that though...