I know that the dot crosshair consists of 3 pixels (kinda like a cross) and is for sure not perfectly centered since it has to be a multiple of 2 pixels for it to be.
Ignore this part because I thought I was in the UT2k4 forums... I was too drunk to have noticed it
Ok, Unreal and all UTs have a FireOffset variable that calculates the x,y,z axis of the player view. That variable is used to spawn the trace or projectile to give the effect of the weapon in your hand. The trace will start from the weapon's FireOffset and end straight forward until it reaches 10,000 units ahead which is exactly the very center of the player view. The space between the FireOffset and the crosshair its defined by another function that calculates all that and will not calculate it to where you see your crosshair but instead it will calculate it to the 10,000 units.
You can test how this works by getting close to a wall and shoot it to notice that the hits are close to the weapon hand position which is the start of the FireOffset. In order to see if a trace hits right on the dot you'll have to make a long shot that passes the 10,000 units. Now, the projectiles are calculated differently because it will move to the direction including the FireOffset. That's why we see projectiles always hitting below the crosshair.
in UT2k4 they fixed that error in some of the weapons like the Instagib and the LightningGun. If you play UT2k4 you'll also see that the crosshair doesn't move when you change weapon hands like it does in UT99 (not Unreal though). People are more accurate in the newer games because they dont care about a useless effect that affects accuracy in a shooter game and the good thing is that Epic fixed that.
You can check the script in UT2k4 to see how they calculated the FireOffset to end the hit right on the dot and make a customized weapon package for Unreal and UT.
In UT99 they screwed up the crosshair position completely. If you use the Right weapon hand your crosshair moves about 3 pixels down-right. If you use the Left weapon hand your crosshair moves about 3 pixels left-up. Only the Centered and Hidden weapon hands doesn't move your crosshair at all and gives a lot of advantage in accuracy to players that use any of those 2 weapon hands. As for me, I am used to having my weapon on the right because every shooting game has it that way and I got used to it. I had to make some custom UT crosshairs for the right weapon hand so that it is always centered.