Allthough my comment was meant more in a general sense, not neccesarily referring to a single clan or player, thanks for clearing that up, Gowron.
Health cheats are not possible. Health is serverside.~viper~ said:It all must stop--all the aimbots, wall hacks, armor and health cheats-- or else the game and its online community will fall apart like all the others.
shan said:For the record, I have nearly begged people for proof of cheating and no one has been able to provide it. I also cannot get anyone to provide me data on what you can cheat with. How can Beppo (who is extremely responsive in these matters) block aimbots or wallhacks (if working ones are there) without people telling him what is being used. said:The reason this works is simple- most any cheat scripts for Inf will need to rewrite sections of a package that constantly runs in the background, which means it has to be modified. If the server adds the appropriate SeverPackages= lines to include all the Inf packages, any modified package won't allow that client to join the game. And because we don't have a mod menu or anything, there's no real way to get in the back door so to speak. So as far as we know, simply doing this will prevent 99% of cheats.
(note: the extra 1% is my way of covering my ass)
Nukeproof said:Sorry about that.
Reason could be 'purechecker' (sort of anticheat) that gives trouble to some.
IIRC some IP's are permanently banned (not to block you). If you let me now yours, I'll check with the admin.
P.S. 'We' means Inforcers entirely moved to Red Orchestra?
Edit: Seemed to be an accidental block, should be gone now...
Deathrow said:Tried with all different OGL libraries - fixed 4.36, from 4.51 patch, original, but pure checker still kicks me with message about wrong checksum and possible hack![]()
Seems like there's no other option but to uninstall INF. Was fun until it lasted.
Nukeproof said:I think you might have missed my PM
Only UTmenu.u is currently checked at InfGermany. It has nothing to do with the Opengl render stuff.
I could send you the original file via ICQ (340 789 994) or email, just let me know.