I've watched this dwell in this message board, desperate to not get involved, but I think I will attempt to step in and be a voice of reason or something.
Its not fair to ask Inf to be CS. Inf is older (as previously stated) and is being tooled very carefully to be Infiltration for Unreal Tournament (formerly Unreal), and not Counter Strike for UT. CS (though I haven't played it) seems to be a pretty well enjoyed game, and I'm not going to bad mouth it, but Infiltration is unique, just like all mods out there, and it has captured its own following because of what the team members have made it. Certainly the Infiltration team will be pissed off if somebody says "Hey, make Infiltration Counter Strike, just with another name." At the same time, its not fair to stuff a bag of nickels into somebody's throat and punch them in the teeth because they happen to say, "I saw this in x mod and I think it would be cool to implement in Inf."
Granted, DJINN's comments rubbed me the wrong way, because they show a complete lack of knowledge towards the mod, and I'll disect his entire statement just to prove it in a nice, rational manner.
"Why don?t infiltration become counterstrike,"
Because counterstrike has already been done. If the Inf people wanted to make counterstrike, Warren would go off on a secret spy mission to assassinate the CS team, steal their code, models and graphics, and then apply them to UT.
"like buy wepons and ammo."
Here is a serious lack of knowledge. I can understand forgetting little bitty details from the roadmap and f.a.q., but missing the entire loadout/price/weight/burden area of it?
"Much more stragetic style mod."
This one is the harshest. The entire phrase degrades over time, but this one is what burns. Inf is incredibly strategic as it is, without the loadout, without the enhancements and yakky yak yak, and it is not your typical run'n'gun. Once all the additions are made, Inf will be strategic beyond what strategic should be. Death in Infiltration will be as scary as death in real life, because you will not come back in a flurry of teleportation goodness. You will wait. You will either have to hover silently over the map as a ghost, watching your team get slaughtered like lambs, or weep that you couldn't be a part of their awesome victory. Infiltration has always been about strategy, whether its the simple grass roots weapons conversions of 2.7x, to the intermediary 2.8, to the full blown modification of 3.0 and up.
As for the person that said that the military supplied you with your weapons, and that you didn't have to purchase them, well, the load out screen is special in that way, and I like that idea. Character classes will not be a predetermined set like in TF, TFC, etc., etc. One class may not have a horrible advantage over the other (ie: Medics and Snipers, from the original Team Fortress for Quake [yes, Quake - dammit, everybody thinks it was HL, but Quake was the original]) simply because the team coded this weapon a little to strong, or this weapon a little to weak. The advantages and disadvantages of the classes will be blurred by having the team heavily way the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of each and every weapon, giving it a monetary value, a burden, and a weight, and that will factor in to how your character is played, as well as the proficiency that you develop using your selected equipment, so that each and every person is balanced, maybe not in skill, but in equipment, and that fairness is achieved by ensuring everybody is on a level playing feel in terms of who has how much ammo, which guns, what kinda equipment.
As for why there is nobody on the SOB Servers: Inf is in an offline only state right now. I'm not exactly sure why, but my best guess would be the real world ballistics are interfering the TCP/IP protocol suite's ACKs and NACKs, (UT would be much better served as a UDP client.) Or thats what it would seem, unless the network code got totally gimped somehow by the mod and had to be retooled. I dunno. It's offline only though =)