Counter Strike Mod lookalike

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New Member
Feb 3, 2000
Let me just say this cause I REALLY feel I need to- WHAT THE MOT#&$ FU#@ING...NO GODDAMN Counter Strike!! WE the lovers of INFILTRATION do not (let me say that again) DO NOT want that pansy ass sorry freaking HALF LIFE (underline half life please) MOD on UT especially on account of how hard the team has worked so far and how far they have come- HERES A GOOD GODDAMN SUGGESTION- YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOD!! anyway you want to make it with freaking little pink bunnies too running around shooting each other! If you want to suggest something make it something to improve THIS MOD. Not copy every other MOD known to man!!-sorry had to get it out

Kill'em all and let God separte 'em!!!


Aug 14, 1999

"What's your major malfunction numbnuts!
Didn't Mommy or Daddy hold you enough when you were a child?!"
*Blam* -FMJ


Dec 23, 1999
Visit site
ya know i think INF really needs some awsome weapons.. like.. hmm i dunno.. a wooden stick, or how bout some ninja stars... better yet why not make an animation for the arms doing a "HA-DO-KEN" fireball ala streetfighter, that would be cool.

oooh even better i think we need more machine guns, like the good o'l "Chauchat". I hear the US army really loved it. hehehe.

nah, it'd even be "cooler" if your character was really out of shape, and after running 10-20 feet would stop dead in their tracks, double over (screen only looks down) followed by a gasping for breath.. that would kick some serious arse... or the bots could have an aditional optional setting for how green they were. It would effect how long it would take to reload stuff, reaction times, and if they got hit with a gib, they'd have to stand still and puke their guts up... i don't know how i could play INF without these great ideas!!??!?!

and how about you add another command to the orders menu.. You could yell out "OH crap i'm bleeding and i've got AIDS" and all the bots would run away from you, and would have to avoid making contact with any of your blood decals.. it would be sooooo coool.

oooooooh even better!! for 3.0 You could make "gold diggers" an economic weapon.. they'd leach on to other players, and suck away their money so they couldn't buy anything.. just like in real life..

Why stop there?! There's so many other "GREAT" idea's out there. :p



push the limits
Jan 23, 2000
BTW. If you really want CS for Unreal check out the SWAT mod, but it's far from finished though.
I'll stick with infiltration, as I'm sure everyone else does if they've played it once /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Aug 14, 1999
why is there so many dumb people in this world? We should just kill them all.

And to make this subject null and void, I you my "change the subject so that it is moved and can't be found again or locked" strategy. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I think that I am going to minor in the history of weaponry. From the time of primative clubs to the current state of the art firearms. Oh yes, that will be damn cool.

"What's your major malfunction numbnuts!
Didn't Mommy or Daddy hold you enough when you were a child?!"
*Blam* -FMJ


Old Guard Infantryman
Feb 15, 2000
Ft. Myer, VA USA
Damn man, isn't that taking it a _bit_ to the extreme? 'The History of Weapons' might be a cool name for a research book or something. Not some pansy-ass 'this is a club from the Paleolithic Period', but: 'this is what a club will do to your head'.

Yeah, I would buy something like that :)

If ignorance is bliss, why are'nt more people happy?


New Member
Mar 19, 2000
Visit site
Ok, it may say Newbie but i`ve been reading your posts for days and frankly this one shows that you`re ARSEHOLES.

He suggested this, maybe because this could be better than counterstrike, if you read it the right way instead of being tossers like you are you`d see its basically a compliment, why didn`t you just say know instead of giving him all that grief?

Wankers, you hsould be ashamed of yourselves.
Most of that is uncalled for, i myself play CS, and i know no one there who seems to feel the way about infiltration as you do about CS, i play INF too, i son`t bad mouth CS.

Get a brain people.


Tell me, exactly where you see this 'compliment'. He says it should be more like CS, inferring that INF is not strategic, or as good as CS. That is not a compliment. His comment is a compliment to CS not to INF, there was nothing about INF being better, nothing complimenting the way the authors choose to make the game, if anything it was a dis to the work that the team has done for FREE.

I too play CS every now and again, and overall CS people have a big dislike for anything that is not CS, go online and ask people about INF while playing CS, Im pretty sure youll get a nasty response, I know I have. CS is fine, CS is fun, I dont need to badmouth it. But understand that INF does not want to be like CS. Understand that CS is not he be-all-end-all in games, and yes, some people might actually want to make a different game that differs from the current ones out there. Take stock in the fact that INF has been around longer, that INF has its own set of ideas, and that there is a huge amount of real life experience with weapons on the team. It is its own game, there already is a CS, and if you dont like INF, then you should go play what you like, becuase INF already has a foundation and wont be changing. Wait for the new verions to come out and give it a try before you say it needs to be like xgame/mod or whatever.

I dont condone or think its ok to call people names because they voice their opinions. To moralize a bit now, my general problem is respect. Having been on may different boards, games, etc, people say things 'virtually' that would get their teeth kicked in if they were to say it to someones face in the real world. Its real easy to look like a tough guy online, and just as easy to look like an asshole. But when you get right down to it, guess what? They are all talk.

Want to be an Infiltrator? Get the goods at:


Tell me, exactly where you see this 'compliment'. He says it should be more like CS, inferring that INF is not strategic, or as good as CS. That is not a compliment. His comment is a compliment to CS not to INF, there was nothing about INF being better, nothing complimenting the way the authors choose to make the game, if anything it was a dis to the work that the team has done for FREE.

I too play CS every now and again, and overall CS people have a big dislike for anything that is not CS, go online and ask people about INF while playing CS, Im pretty sure youll get a nasty response, I know I have. CS is fine, CS is fun, I dont need to badmouth it. But understand that INF does not want to be like CS. Understand that CS is not he be-all-end-all in games, and yes, some people might actually want to make a different game that differs from the current ones out there. Take stock in the fact that INF has been around longer, that INF has its own set of ideas, and that there is a huge amount of real life experience with weapons on the team. It is its own game, there already is a CS, and if you dont like INF, then you should go play what you like, becuase INF already has a foundation and wont be changing. Wait for the new verions to come out and give it a try before you say it needs to be like xgame/mod or whatever.

I dont condone or think its ok to call people names because they voice their opinions. To moralize a bit now, my general problem is respect. Having been on may different boards, games, etc, people say things 'virtually' that would get their teeth kicked in if they were to say it to someones face in the real world. Its real easy to look like a tough guy online, and just as easy to look like an asshole. But when you get right down to it, guess what? They are all talk.

Want to be an Infiltrator? Get the goods at:


Aug 14, 1999
I love British slang /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

We shouldn't be tossers guys because we'd be arsehole wankers.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!!
Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough
attention when you were a child?!!!