UE1 - UT Coronas not all showing up in game

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Jan 15, 2004
18.5 ms per frame = 54 frames/sec
that's with 540 coronas displayed at once
For a game that was released in 1999, 54 fps isn't that good. Assuming you have a newer system of course. You could use one corona for 9 lights, with them slightly overlapping or do something with sheets and a transparent gradient texture to make a similar glow effect. Those solutions would be less intensive.

So much fuss over simply setting the
light radius to 0.
Spoiler tag added for TurdDrive :)


New Member
Aug 23, 2005
I think 54 fps is pretty good for the type of map that it is, and my system of kinda crappy and I'd say below average. Those workaround methods (especially the sheet one) wouldn't look nearly as good. I like to be able to see a corona on every individual light.

And I hate to say this but the solution you posted was incorrect.
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surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
And I hate to say this but the solution you posted was incorrect.

And I hate to say that noone cares about your solution at this point. How about we all remain in the bliss of ignorance while you tend to that misplaced pride of yours.
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New Member
Aug 23, 2005
And I hate to say that noone cares about your solution at this point. How about we all remain in the bliss of ignorance while you tend to that misplaced pride of yours.

How about you fu.ck off and get a life and find something better to do than revive old threads just to be an a$$hole.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Sure, I have way better things to do than waste my time inputting text on a forum. But it's more than worthwhile trying to get the message accross that something in your behaviour is triggering negative responses. If you don't understand this is a favour and you don't like the tone being used, that's tough because you'll get exactly the same reaction from other people as you advance in life. It will simply be more subtle and it'll be a pain figuring out why things aren't going your way.

"No man is an island"
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May 27, 2005
Can we just stop with the ego?

Let's just leave him be because there will be a time in his real life that he will use that attitude of his on someone that might not like it and that someone will really teach him the lesson of his life about it.

As for the forums, let's just keep it civilized and helpful for others. If he wants to pretend to be better or know more than others then let him, his behavior will be well known on the forums and next time he will regret that he isn't helped any more.


New Member
Aug 23, 2005
Sure, I have way better things to do than waste my time inputting text on a forum. But it's more than worthwhile trying to get the message accross that something in your behaviour is triggering negative responses. If you don't understand this is a favour and you don't like the tone being used, that's tough because you'll get exactly the same reaction from other people as you advance in life. It will simply be more subtle and it'll be a pain figuring out why things aren't going your way.

"No man is an island"

You know nothing about anything about my life or whether things are "going my way" and if you did you would not be saying that. Sounds more like you're trying to cope with your own insecurities.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
If you're taking this personally then too bad. I'm just playing the devil's advocate here. If you wish to continue this conversation, the PM box is of course open but I have no interest whatsoever in getting the last word. That is a game I lost interest in a long time ago. As for this thread, it has served it's purpose in showing how you act towards others. Shame as it was a potentially interesting topic.
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New Member
Aug 23, 2005
I don't think I'm the one who takes things too personal. All I said was "noobs" and people reacted as if I had just said "exterminate all the jews" or something. Some people seriously need a vacation. How I "act towards others"? Again, I said one word, and everyone had a bitch fit. I'm not the one overreacting in this thread.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
A common variant, usually use more than actual word, is "n00b" or "noob", in many cases a negative term where it degradingly refers to users who disrupt other users.[citation needed] Other spellings include "newb", "nub", "nooblet", "n00blet", or any version of these written in Leet.

It is an insult. Use it in-game when other players are being a nuisance if you must but not on people who are trying to be helpful. Hopefully, this explains the "overreacting".

Now, is the solution to fixing this problems with coronas still top secret knowledge :p ? Also, when are you planning a release ?
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New Member
Aug 23, 2005

It is an insult. Use it in-game when other players are being a nuisance if you must but not on people who are trying to be helpful. Hopefully, this explains the "overreacting".

Now, is the solution to fixing this problems with coronas still top secret knowledge :p ? Also, when are you planning a release ?

Solution: Don't set anything for skin, instead set texture to your corona texture, and change bHidden from True to False.

Release should be within the next month.