Pocket lint
There is no better legal tender than pocket lint... or perhaps leaves, of the general sort. (Though pocket lint takes the cake).
Just to wrap up this debate here (which actually was a good read without turning into a flame war!):
Its very very hard to produce something surface level that is acceptable to sell; possible, but you sort of need to throw in a unreal - liscense, etc and go from there. Thus, the general concensus is that if you recieve $ for you work, its from the goodness of the user's heart; if I won $1000 US for a map that relied on this shadow system, I might very well throw in a couple of bucks, but thats about it. Otherwise, the best you can do is ask for credit, hope its recieved, and slowly build up a portfolio of all these projects: to get into the game industry, this sort of work is worth almost as much as a 4 year university degree, though the latter is a written requirement. Thats sort of how I see this tiny corner of the world working, and any sort of anomoly is likely to be removed or forgotten.
On the subject of code stealing: to do so blatently is disgusting. Anyone who does so should ideally be shot, or at least frowned upon and robbed of all pocket lint. But as for looking into code, esspecially that shared in the open - source sentiment, is what this community is based up: how many of us would there be if there was never any open source to pick apart, epic released or otherwise.
And on that note, I'm off. This was a good little discussion: an interesting topic and a good adult-response; thanks!