Concussion jumping...

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Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
Oh yes. Back to topic.
I´ve never used concussion jumping mainly because it´s plain stupid "feature" and there´s not much demand for it. I play it slow and fat but I still usually get to the top 3 scores. No thanks, we don´t need concussion jumping. Shooting yourself to compensate lacking speed and dexterity doesn´t sound like solution nor balancing to me.
If gunner is going to be tweaked, do following. Add grenade launcher possibility to adjust shooting power. A simple system like there is in Worms series: The longer you hold key down, the further you lob the nade. Grens shouldn´t also blow up so soon after firing. Really long distance bombing is pretty impossible now.

Edit: + improve the quality of physics modelling with grenades. They should be able to roll on the ground and bounce more predictably.
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Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
I´ve never used concussion jumping mainly because it´s plain stupid "feature" and there´s not much demand for it. I play it slow and fat but I still usually get to the top 3 scores. No thanks, we don´t need concussion jumping. Shooting yourself to compensate lacking speed and dexterity doesn´t sound like solution nor balancing to me.
Rocket jumping, i.e. shooting yourself to compensate for a lack of speed and dexterity ( :rolleyes: ) has existed since the days of the original quake. If there was no demand, why is everyone doing it? And complaining because it isn't quite right?
Conc jumping isnt there to give you a good score. It's there so that you can move fast when you need to. If you don't use it, that's fine, but it's your loss and you can't remove our ability to do it just because you don't want to.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Conc jumping is useful for catching up to that tech that thinks he got away. Then pounding his head with rockets while he goes "wtF?!"

Behindview may have been an exploit in your opinion, but it was still there and used widely. Call it an exploit if you will, but if many people use it then I do believe that the exploit tag can be dropped.

Crap, there was one other thing I was gonna say but I forgot. :(


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Many people who used behindview called it an exploit, and there were numerous debates about this in the old XMP forums, so I don't want to start another one. The conclusion was, if you conc jump, and the nade goes off in your face, you should be blinded. From what I have heard, FMI has ensured this will happen.


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
Behind view isn't really an exploit in XMP - more of a common practice by most who play as gunners...

In other games (ie2k4) it may be an exploit, but this isn't 2k4 we're talking about... (Well it kinda is but you know what i mean ;))


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
I never used behindview (except in vehicles), simply because I knew that you're not meant to get around the blinding effect of a conc nade. Not that it really blinds you anymore, mind.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
T-Shinzon said:
Behindview may have been an exploit in your opinion, but it was still there and used widely. Call it an exploit if you will, but if many people use it then I do believe that the exploit tag can be dropped.

Let us all type IDDQD and be immortal. Hmmm. Shall we adopt consensus theory as a method of finding the True Balance? Maybe no, if results are T-Shinzon-like tricky haxxxor über1337 imbas. ;)