«BuA»Devastator said:
Status of my computer:
DVD pluged in
Burner pluged in
Floppy pluged in
HDD pluged in
Vid Card pluged in
MotherBoard pluged in
Do I need to plug these wires and where do they go?
OK, lets see if we can help ya sort this out.
This Connector Here is the AuxPower
does not plug into your MoBo. You can remove the Spiral Wrap and try to hide it behind something. I actually cut mine off to get it completely out of the way.
This Connector is for
Fan Only and IMOP a complete waste of time. Hide that one also.
The Gray Cable with all those pins are for the Front USB and Firewall Ports. Some MOBO's have expandable USB and Fireport connectors on them and thats where you could plug them in. Refer to yourMOBo Manual. If you don't use USB and Firewire all that much odds are you don't need to hook them up. Hide those suckers to.
You should have 3 Power Connectors plugged into your MOBO. Main ATX, the Small Square One 12V, and a regular looking Molex 12V. The rest plug into the HD's Graphic Card etc.
The Fan Only and AuxPower is not needed and the Front Ports aren't needed. Hope that helps!!