I just played on a server with HORRIBLE camos choices. The red team had the woodland camo and the blue team had Russian tan camo. It's almost impossible to see the difference between the 2. Furthurmore, friendly fire was on, which meant you can kill a teammate and not know it.
Please, if any admin is reading this. Have some common sense. Similar looking camos are NOT good. The following are extremely poor camo choices:
Russian tan/woodland
The following are smart choices:
Arctic/dark camo
desert/dark camo
Urban/dark camo
Russian green/dark camo
Please, if any admin is reading this. Have some common sense. Similar looking camos are NOT good. The following are extremely poor camo choices:
Russian tan/woodland
The following are smart choices:
Arctic/dark camo
desert/dark camo
Urban/dark camo
Russian green/dark camo