oh, i do know something, to help with pictures, from xmp, use the gimp... it really does a good job at having smaller images... lol, just look at this one, and a pic of the settings i use for most images...
pic 1 is the example of how it looks with a direct mspaint save...
pic 2 is with a gimp save, in jpg(just add .jpg to the end of the file)
pic 3 is the settigns used when u save, with gimp, as a jpg file, that gives me good results.
I use these pics as a way to help with the problemsom hard to read text... and also, they do great on my hd space.
I have 2 links...
for the windows users i recommend using this one
The gimp installer set made by Jernej Simoncic
and for others, just get the info from the main site...
oh... as a small note, for the quality, the pics tend to be a little larger, but they are definatley a lot smaller than bitmaps, and png files.