UnrealScript is pretty easy to pick up, even without prior experience. It all depends on what you're trying to do.
The hardest thing I ran into when I first started back in the day was coming to terms with the entry point of the script. Compiled imperative programming languages in general have explicit entry points to the application you develop. C++ has main(), VB has Main() or Form_Load(..), C#/VB.NET have Main... but it took me a while to realize that there was no entry point in UScript, (obvious now) because scripts are running as soon as unreal (tourn) starts.
.int files define the "entry point" for your code. They define an interface between the user and your code. For example, the "Game Mode" options in inf like Enhanced Assault, Deathmatch, Team Game, CTF, etc. are stored in Infiltration.int in the UT\System folder. They define what the user sees on his screen and what class in your UScript handles each item the user can pick.
Anyways I am off subject of my original intent for my post (but those are important things to remember!). Here is a good website that has several tutorials for weapons and such (and much more):
Just click the link for tutorials.
Also check out the tools section. There are some essentials in there for any uscript coder as you will soon learn if you haven't already that coding inside UnrealEd is a ridiculous way of life
Also check out
http://www.planetunreal.com/gamebots/uscript1.html, a rather outdated site but still with good information and some nonbroken links to other information sites about uscript.
Most importantly, don't just read documents, but read through tons and tons of classes already available too in all of the inf packages. Take it in small doses, but I wouldn't consider taking on a project of your own (outside tutorials that is) without memorizing the location and function of a majority of the classes in these packages. For a weapon mut, an extensive study session of just the related classes may get the job done, but I highly recommend going beyond just the necessary classes and sorting through everything inf so you can truly understand the flow of all of the ingame objects.
Good luck and don't give up... UnrealScript is definitely worth learning no matter how old it gets.
P.S. hello again everyone