Coding in INF

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
So, I see now why so few people are coders and mutator writers. I decided to take a stroll down coding lane and had a rude awakening. I am going to learn how to do this... But a few questions... I see you might have to learn C/C++ to code UT? Is this true? Any good tutorials for coding I should be aware of? Realistically, about how much time is spent coding a single weapon? I know maps can take from 50-150 hours of time to make, I was wondering about weapons (once model is done and skinned).

I am also learning how to Skin, and will be making some new "faces" for INF very soon. Expect that first. IF any coders out there want to aid me as I start I would appreciate that.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
the code used by unreal is a specific code for the engine. It is somewhat similar to C++ and Java and is object oriented (using class and objects and so on). (I think it's closer to C++ but what ever)

First of, if you are not familiar with object oriented coding, you are comming from far away. Secondly, knowing Java and at least C/C++ helps a lot.

A VERY good place to start and a good reference for common use is the unreal wiki site.

As for weapons, I'd say it depends a lot on the weapon. The is the base code for every weapon. Then add the specific stuff, for attachement and so on. Then you could get into experimental stuff for your weapons (e.g. stuff that has never been done before).

BTW, if you are good at skinning, the INF Mod team could use more skinners for its projects.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Honestly, with UT being on something like its 7th or 8th year, I'm not sure I understand your particular interest in UT over learning general coding and just moving into source from there (I believe it works directly in C++, but don't quote me).


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
NT likes INF2.9, not HL2:Source. Having him start coding for a non-existent mod is pointless, no? So let him start on the "old" engine of UScript to get his coding wings and if he's good enough or likes it, he can move on to HL2:Source:Sentry Studios Project 3.


New Member
May 24, 2000
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NT, I've started modeling some new weapons for 2.9 or possibly 2k4, using the information on the WIKI site and it has been very helpful for me, especially the animatimating part. If you need some model done just drop a line.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
The problem with UT and the older engines is that they tend to be more cumbersome and limiting, and resultantly worse places to learn— doubly so because what you learn there is relatively inapplicable to more worthwhile, flexible, and modern stuff.


New Member
May 4, 2004
NT I have been thinking of putting my programming skills (knowledgable in Java and C++) to use in INF when we talk tomorrow on TS about DTASAL we can talk about this also..


because respawns suck
Jun 8, 2002
Arethusa said:
because what you learn there is relatively inapplicable to more worthwhile, flexible, and modern stuff.

thats wrong

By learning UScript you will learn some very interesting concepts and even if UT is old, you can do a hell alot with it.
Ah, and the UScript in UT2k4 is still the same as in UT99, they only added some new values and classes here and there.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Are you saying you would learn interesting concepts better than you would with/that you wouldn't learn through, for example, standard C++? I'll admit my knowledge specifically of UScript is limited, but that's never been my experience with any engine specific scripting languages.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I'd say, reading your remarks, that your knowledge of programmation is as limited as you Unreal Script knowledge. Come on, I'm sure you know better than that.

A programming experience is never irrelevent, especially if it's in the same application range. The code itself might be different from that or that engine, but the coding philosophy hardly changes. Also, an experience in a very well known and documented engine like the UT engine can give you the basis needed to understand the concept of coding for a game engine (generally speaking). Starting up with a less know engine, that has far fewer ressources publically available, will never be easier.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
UnrealScript is closer to C than to C++. Sure you have a class hierarchy, inherited codes and stuff alike but everything that is 'complicated' to learn as a newbie is left out. You do not need to setup a compile environment, include and header files of all sorts etc. The only thing you need is a basic understanding of programming. This together with some basic tutorials and/or docs and you are set.

UT99 gives you a lot to play around with. An 'more easy' platform so to speak.
UT2k4 is a little bit more complicated due to some restrictions you need to get around and more stuff happening 'hidden' in the native C++ sources you do not have access to. Sure you get a lot of new stuff to play around with, but you also get a bunch of new limitations too.

Have fun.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Ok now that i had some time to think about it, I think I will begin by doing some basic skins, mainly faces. I am going to create a facepack for INF that will cover some asiatic, middle eastern, and possibly more. After I am done learning how to skin them, I will then add these to game, and proceed to learn how to model a new weapon (correct size, etc.) and then skin that. I will then learn how to code that weapon or if shmoo can allow him to code it and learn while he is coding it. My eventual goal is to publish one new firearm a month.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
I'm not saying it would be irrelevant. Even starting with the absolute basics in, well, BASIC would provide some small understanding of the overall structure of programming. I'm just not sure going into scriptiing in an engine that is really pretty close to deriliction is the best idea. You do raise a good point about available/established tools, though. Also did forget that setting up a compiler can be daunting to the uninitiated.

I learned Unrealscript by just looking at it, and seeing how other mods were made, I had(and still have) a working knowledge of MSXBASIC, from waaaay back when microsoft used to make decent product.

I personly think that creating singleplayer stuff would be the best way to start, unfortunatly, there arent alot of good unreal based single player games, the only one I know is Deus Ex, It uses the original unreal engine, the one before UT, although it is heavily modified.

Unreal code is the same everywhere, epic doesnt invent a new language for every release, start with whatever you like to start with and don't listen to the people who claim that UT is old, it's still played by alot of people and I personly think it's also better then UT2k4
And I have a better framerate at it to!

And start small, don't try to make something like infiltration as a start, infiltration also started as a mutator...

Blandest Vertigo

UTProphet resurrected
Jun 29, 2003
UnrealScript is pretty easy to pick up, even without prior experience. It all depends on what you're trying to do.

The hardest thing I ran into when I first started back in the day was coming to terms with the entry point of the script. Compiled imperative programming languages in general have explicit entry points to the application you develop. C++ has main(), VB has Main() or Form_Load(..), C#/VB.NET have Main... but it took me a while to realize that there was no entry point in UScript, (obvious now) because scripts are running as soon as unreal (tourn) starts.

.int files define the "entry point" for your code. They define an interface between the user and your code. For example, the "Game Mode" options in inf like Enhanced Assault, Deathmatch, Team Game, CTF, etc. are stored in in the UT\System folder. They define what the user sees on his screen and what class in your UScript handles each item the user can pick.

Anyways I am off subject of my original intent for my post (but those are important things to remember!). Here is a good website that has several tutorials for weapons and such (and much more):
Just click the link for tutorials.
Also check out the tools section. There are some essentials in there for any uscript coder as you will soon learn if you haven't already that coding inside UnrealEd is a ridiculous way of life :)

Also check out, a rather outdated site but still with good information and some nonbroken links to other information sites about uscript.

Most importantly, don't just read documents, but read through tons and tons of classes already available too in all of the inf packages. Take it in small doses, but I wouldn't consider taking on a project of your own (outside tutorials that is) without memorizing the location and function of a majority of the classes in these packages. For a weapon mut, an extensive study session of just the related classes may get the job done, but I highly recommend going beyond just the necessary classes and sorting through everything inf so you can truly understand the flow of all of the ingame objects.

Good luck and don't give up... UnrealScript is definitely worth learning no matter how old it gets.


P.S. hello again everyone :)
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Feb 16, 2001
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Yes go for it NT. And while learning, make porting 2.9 to ut2k4 a target. Just a 1->1 port. I don't care about gfx.