CliffyB Reflects On Gears/E3

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Jul 24, 2005
All epic says is that UT2007 will be done when its done, this basically means they arent done yet. While I would like to get it now, I'd rather have an awesome game than something they rushed (which thankfully it looks like they are avoiding).


Freebasing Anime Chicks Since '96
Aug 10, 2005
He's not saying he wants it fricking completed now. He's just saying UT2k7 got bagged in place of Gears at E3. And I agree with him. But bitching about it on forum threads isn't really going to change anything, so I won't step in on this one.


New Member
May 10, 2006
nwlodo said:
shakycam movies of some incomplete maps is not what I mean

Just compare the way the presented Gears with the way they "presented" UT2007

Trailer, Stage Show, 200 Screenshots, Gameplay movies for the stupid console game

some cam movies that fans smuggled out for UT

Which E3 are they gonna use to present the game if not this one?

Although i think you are a little harsh, you do have a point. They missed a great opportunity to show good footage of the game. Compared to the video/screenshots i saw for other bs games, not GOW, ut2007 really dropped the ball this year to show some really amazing stuff. Of course the core ut fans will love even the smallest bit of news but I dont think the general public gets it. And yes there is a possibility that they just didn't have enough ready to show us, however i dont buy that. Lets get real, they've been working on the game for a very long time and in Dec 05 i read that a developer (cant remember who) said that they've had the game playable for a year. Hopefully the new vid, which is supposed to be coming soon, will shed some light on whats been developed. Or maybe they wanted GOW to get more attention since it's a new franchise for Epic, this is probalby the most logical reason as to why UT wasn't pushed as much.

When i first saw gow i was not interested. But after seeing the footage of GOW, i'm looking forward to it just as much if not more then ut :(. It looks awesome and seems like a blast to play. If/when it comes for the pc i will absolutely buy it.
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Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
Many PC games didn't get decent coverage this year, the only PC games that did were games that were coming to consoles as well. This year's E3 was all about PS3 and Wii.


Freebasing Anime Chicks Since '96
Aug 10, 2005
BeerGut said:
Many PC games didn't get decent coverage this year, the only PC games that did were games that were coming to consoles as well. This year's E3 was all about PS3 and Wii.

That is a good point. You can't really deny that in the later years, E3 has been dominated by consoles. Which is why I pretty much ignore half the news from them lately.

But that's not really his point either... I mean there were still trailers and sneak peeks showed off PCs... sure it didn't garner that much attention. But the complete and utter lack of UT2k7 footage is apparent since this site is devoid of any news covering it. And damn right if there was any it'd be on here. Just because the sea was heading towards consoles, didn't mean Epic had to ride the wave. But oh well, allt hat needs to be said has been said, so it's not really a big deal. Hopefully Epic will make it up to us in future months.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I wouldn't be too concerned about this. Epic has done this with each and every Unreal game since UT at E3.