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The Divine Tyrant
Dec 8, 2005
hey guys check out this tank I've been playing with on UT04. It's called the "wild boar" I know it looks like the
apocalyspe tank from CnC red alert 2 (yuris revenge (best one)!) I've found it in a mutator called AnnihilationArsenal
(it one of those ut4mod mutators. I've also been useing a mutator called vehicle stuff. As you see in the pic the
gun thats on top of the tank looks like the turrent of the lavaithan well, it is the vehicle stuff mod lets you change
what weapon is on what and how many hit pionts it has and so on. But back to specifics this if my fav tank check it, it
has twin tank barrels (they shoot in succesion)and of course the laviathan turrent on top (originally a machinegun turrent
was there). It is a 3 man tank, meaning the 1st person is the driver, 2nd person is in charge of the twin barrels, and
the 3rd person is for the turrent. So its just like a real life tank well, sort of. So how do you guys like the tank I found?
Also check out this HIND its also a 3 manned veh. 1st not only drives it but his/hers primary fire is plasma blasters
secondary fire is rockets, 2nd mans the chaingun thats under the nose of the craft, 3rd as you can see in the last pic
mans the BIG machinegun turrent on the side. Man there are some awesome mutators/mods out there.


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ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
They sure look cool. To date the only decent vehicles I've seen are Monarch's (Advanced Armour, etc.). Will check these out once I find them :tup:


The Divine Tyrant
Dec 8, 2005
Random Elite said:

And a link to the Vehicle Stuff Mut. please.

heres the web address for all the other ones varing
this one is where I got most of my maps and haloshields, halo vehicles, stuff like that from

the other ones that has the swaptool, vehicle stuff etc. is this one

sorry I can give direct links because the site must be down now, and to you must register with there site to download anything. Its free though dont worry

this is where I got alot of good ones from.
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