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Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
It's kinda space noxxie but CTF :D

The bottom parts are the two bases, and the flags are back in the two opposite corners. It's a rather short jaunt from flag to flag, but the catch is that the flag is attached to a mover that flips from the top part u see in the screenshot, to a lower level u can't see. I'm still working with it :/
I'm thinking like a 6 person player load on this one


Apr 25, 2001
Hey, what about another 1on1 / 2on2 CTF like CTF-CosmicM ? Just played that one again today, it's one hell of map! :)
Would be cool if you'd do something like that IMO... just have to implement tactics from ground-up, or else it's most probably bound to ****. :p
Cool idea, though I don't really understand what you mean by that bit with the moving flag base... Can you still get there when it's down? (And will the bots get that trick?)


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Haha, the bots will likely never figure this one out :/

The big deal was to trap a player on the top or bottom by flipping the flag up to to the other level. I dunno, i just needed something to test my new textures on honestly :D


I see you haven't tried attaching the flags to the movers yet, and you haven't done any botpathing yet, otherwise you would have been screaming for my help right now! ;). When you do come to that, you'll find out there are some nasty bugs here, and I know how to solve them because I've done this before. :cool:

BTW, bots will get the flag, even if they need to pull a switch to get the mover with the flag on it down. I got it to work before. :cool:
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Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Ya, for some reason it doesn't work tho. I don't think this one will get off the drawing board for awhile, i need to finish some stuff first. (You know like school work :))


I told you I wouldn't work flawless. You have to attach the flag to an attachmover. If you try this, you'll find out that UT will repeat the message "The red/blue was returned!" while the mover with the flag on it is moving. Very annoying. This can be solved by subclassing FlagBase and adding a little script. The map I used this script in is on my other computer. I'll retrieve it for you if you're interested.