Modeller's thoughts on bones
[EDIT]Never mind I got it working :0[/EDIT]
I was hoping a modeller out there might have a suggestion as to how to properly set up the bones for the wings, right now I have a bone at the tip that links to one at the base, then the base links to the spine of a biped (spine 3) however it seams that no matter what I do to the envelope(s) I get a weird deformation on the small lower wing (pics show what I'm talking about) Anyway if someone has some suggestions on how to do this I'd really appreciate it.
I guess I could link another bone to the wing base and assign its envelope to the small wing but I'm not sure if that would be the best way to do it or not.
Was having trouble with the 2 wing envelopes overlapping with the origional pose so I exported this as a reference pose out of milkshape (wings extended... )
These 2 pics show the deformed little wing (also a bit on the main wing area)