in my level i have made a catapult on top of the castle, it is operated by a lever on the side, a rotating mover that is a bumpbutton. the bumpbutton triggers a dispatcher, which is like this:
OutEvent[0]=Cup <-- the arm of the catapult, also a rotating mover, to flip up
OutEvent[1]=Rock <-- tag of the projectile, how do I make it fling the rock?
it is the boulder1 under projectiles in the actor browser, i tried using a mortarSpawner, but i couldn't get it to trigger, just launch morters every 4 seconds.
OutEvent[0]=Cup <-- the arm of the catapult, also a rotating mover, to flip up
OutEvent[1]=Rock <-- tag of the projectile, how do I make it fling the rock?
it is the boulder1 under projectiles in the actor browser, i tried using a mortarSpawner, but i couldn't get it to trigger, just launch morters every 4 seconds.