Can't see spawned bots. Noob problem.

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New Member
Nov 16, 2009
I have to set up a very very basic level for an assignment. But there's something very strange going on. I've set up an actor factory to make a single bot on startup but it's not showing? If I spawn two bots there's an invisible firefight between them but I still can't see them.

I've set up the actor factory the same as I have in the past and it's definately being triggered (It outputs its comment to screen). The controller class is UTBot and the pawn class is UTPawn.

It's driving me nuts that I can't do a simple task.
Any help? Anyone please?


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
I tried the same setup in UDK (instead of the UT3 editor), exact in every detail and it works fine.