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Nov 4, 2001
The Kitchen
Erika: Look at the backs of the gravestones.

lol, when I first opened this thread and saw you found the underground Harobed area... I thought this was a recent thread. But yeah... from 2 years ago... not TOO bad ;)

Oh... and Unreal still definitely is fun. It's just a shame that I remember the entire game like the back of my hand... I wish I could forget what to do so it could feel like my first experience again. But I do get new thrills from it by playing it in UT with Oldskool using bizarre mutators from UT mods I have... and I can certainly tell you that Excessive Unreal is quite a blast ;) :D
Definite Secret/good things list?


This question has probably been asked, and answered before, but is there a definite list of secret/good things for Unreal? Something like a Wiki site would be great for updating. It could even be a place for map makers to advertise things you might have missed on their levels.

A really cool thing would be a fly-by of each level, especially if it had commentary. Lots of people have fast internet connections now, so download size might not be a problem.



New Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Hmmm...I knew about the Harobad Village Cemetary one, and the Ceremonial Chambers one.

Noork's Elbow, though? What's the Bluff Eversmoking 8Ball thing?

(I can't believe I'm replying to a thread started two years ago.)

((I also can't believe there are still secrets I haven't found after 22 times through the game.)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
You know, it's more fun finding the secrets all by yourself. Some were told to me by others in a coop game, I don't really mind. But I guess it would've been more fun had I found them myself :)

Just explore the parts of the level you usually don't visit, look in corners, jump on things, push buttons on walls, look for something which stands out.
Some secrets are well hidden though...


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Yes, that's in one of the rrajigar levels :D but I ain't saying which one (I know where to find it).
There's a small lift which brings you back to the upper level btw...
very small -_-


King of the Faireys
Aug 2, 2000
Somewhere Else
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I found that one first time round - however theres a mega health in Rrajigar that I only found on my fourth or fifth play through. Hmmm - have to go back and find the Harobed and Bluff secrets.

Is the Noorks Elbow one the one with the funny tasting fish?


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Two years later. And still playing Unreal. Although it has been five months. And I hadn't forgotten a single thing. Not sure if that's good, or bad.
I know this game inside out. And my knowledge doesn't seem to faint... yet.

It's funny how certain levels/areas never seem to get old. Of course, after playing the game for over six years, most levels have become ... well, not a burden to play but in my case I've lost almost all interest.

There are but a handfull of levels I still truly enjoy to play.
Skytown, for instance, never seems to bore me.

How about you? How do you look back on your Unreal past?


New Member
Jul 2, 2000
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Oh Spire Village was emotionally desolate. I was completely drained by the end of the level. I mean, after fighting through most of the ship ~ omg WHERE IS EVERYONE?? I never felt more alone with my character in any other game.

Skytown is just ..sooo sad. Overrun with horrible aliens, abandoned by Nali, gorgeous sky looking down on the ugly tragedy and the most hauntingly beautiful soundtrack in the game. Not a single person I became closely aquainted with passed through the level without looking across at the other skytowns, wanting to travel to each one we could see. After a thousand times through the game, standing on the last roof still gives me shiver bumps.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Hey Digitalpixie, have you seen "the corpse bride" already? Nice movie.

Must've been fun on that server. I remember an UT coop server where smacktards almost did nothing but speedrunning through Unreal ...

But that's been ages ago...

I also remember spending hours there online, fooling around .. spawning monsters and stuff :D