I haven't played 2k4 in a long time but the bots were terrible in that game, especially at godlike. When I was in college and they had blocked the ports for 2k4 I was stuck playing the crappy bots until they opened up the ports again. What a boring experience. :/
In order to try and stay at the play level I was at, I needed at least four bots, 1v1 godlike bots was just dumb and boringly predictable, I think the UT bots were much better at giving me a hard time as far as 1v1 goes.
From long ago:
Low score, but it's kinda hard to avoid getting gang raped with their flak.
Another low scoring round, but that's the point, stay alive and deny giving them any points while you up your own.
A really good example of how stupid the bots were. They kept knocking me into the lava and I'd die, but I did the exact same things to them. I eventually learned where to not go after dying from lava dips, but of course, the bots don't, hence the messed up scores.
Doug, the UT3 bot ai is almost as bad as 2k4's, but they've made some improvements in making them slightly random, but I can still guess where they will be 95% of the time which makes for rather dull play with 0 benefits. They're also still no where near as good as a human can play. :c
If you want to see good UT3 players, join me and the remaining competitive players in #ut3pugs on gameradius and pug up if you ever decide to get UT3. D: