Camping - A legitimate strategy

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< Phoenix Rising >
Oct 25, 1999
What do you do, when you're in your good-spot just waiting for unfortunates to come through... and suddenly you see the last player counter, and it's you whose left. Apparently all the team rushed in and died 3 minutes into the game

What do you guys do when your team is screaming things like, " Move your ass!!!" or "Camper!!!" or the worst one "ZzzZzzzzZ"
How do you fend off the verbal assaults and reconning that happens from your team?

It's like if you don't choose to be a Deathmatcher then your team will abandon you and make your entire game experience a living hell.


Form Fitting
Mar 19, 2001
Not Toledo!
I've rarely ran into this predicament, where it has become unbearable. I consider there to be "camping" and then "sniping".

Camping is where a person runs to a spot (i.e. behind a door, proning in a dark corner) and waits forever for someone to come around the corner and blast them. At which point what does a camper do? Nothing, he'll stay there and do it over and over. That is a lame camper.

Sniping, such as the situation you described, is a great tactic where a person moves to a position and strategically waits for the enemy to show. A sniper will relocate often (I never sit in a position for more than half a minute, and always relocate after a kill). Oh yea, a sniper is also someone who does not abuse the prone clipping bug, where they snuggle up against a wall and only their torso appears between the wall and floor.

In essense, Sniping is strategic and camping is compensating for lack of skill.

btw, if someone is yelling all that crap, either ignore it or just tell them to go back to TO.


Knife Fiend
Jul 6, 2001
There IS no camping in INF

I don't believe the word CAMPER exists in Infiltration. If you are the last one left, and they have more than one alive, then yes, there is no reason NOT to run out when the last player countdown starts.

But......if you are the last one left and they have ONE left. Hold your position. Draw the round out, and it is a tie. You just saved your team a round. It is safer than rushing out and risking losing a round.

If you have more people than them, hold your position. This way, you don't risk the tie or loss. Wait for them to come to you. That is how I feel about it. I am not even really big on camping. But I do a little of both, rushing/camping. It depends on what map and where I spawn. Or you don't even have to rush. You can go about halfway and set up position there.

I do feel, however. If someone is in a spot where no one would ever find them, and they aren't trying to kill people, they are just trying to hide, then they should be whacked with a wet noodle. This just draws out the round. Like if you are on a map like EP and you go in the back of the lane all the way to the cockpit and go prone behind the seats facing sideways where you can't see anyone and they can't see you. Now that is just wrong. Or is they DO see them but don't take their shot. Those things I will disagree on.

And I really don't see how hard it is just to ignore all of the comments they make. If they start teamkilling you, now there is where the game will go downhill, but that is easy to get them to stop. They may not stop right then, but you can get them banned easily. Camping is not a "thing" in INF. I don't see why people get angry about it. I know that a lot of the INF Vets don't. But there are n00bs that come in from CS and TO and mods like that and they will scream camper until your ears bleed. I played TO2 and I got this treatment.

If the people want to argue about camping, tell their asses to go to TO where they will actually have backup from the whole nearly the whole community.


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Apr 17, 2001
NE England (We hang monkeys)
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Here's a bit of fuzzy logic for ya.

I think if you compare it to real military engagements, Camping is a very valid military tactic - often referred to as 'The Ambush'

'The Ambush' is a strategy which involves positioning yourself (and possibly your squad) in cover in difficult to see positions with a good field of fire over a route which you expect the enemy to take.

In most situations, the 'Ambusher' has the tactical advantage over the 'Ambushee' (or Rusher) - the result often being the decimation of the 'Ambushed' force.

Therefore most military commanders would much rather be the 'Ambusher' than the 'Rusher'

Therefore Camping is a much more valid tactic than rushing.

This is not to be cofused with the other type of Camping known in real-life as 'Saving your arse'. 'Saving-your-arse' is when you hide in an out of the way place where you hope that you will not be found by the enemy. You do nothing to reveal your position (e.g. firing) and wait until all of the bad-guys have gone (read 'end of round')

This is a commonly used real-life tactic which means that you live to fight another day - and may even get to see next Christmas. But when used in Inf, It kind of makes things boring for the 'dead guys'. Now this is where the realism part falls down a bit. While 'Saving your arse' in real-life, you don't often get the ghosts of your comrades and enemies falling asleep or telling you to 'move your arse'. Also you will get to fight again regardless of whether you die this round or not - so the motivation is a little different.

So on the publics, I say - 'Run out and fight' The extra bit of combat experience may help for next time - even if you did die. For the clan match, It may gain you a draw - so stay put - just like real-life :)


bravo!!!!!!!!! THE WOLF you said it so well and i fully agree but the dark corner proners who go to a dark corner fake death and diaspear into the wall and sit out the match untill an enemy comes by ..should be pittyed as we all know it is there lack of tactial skill that forces them to do this i have no problem with camping but dark corner proners are spineless weeds who discust me ... but i pitty them for there lack of courage & spirit
Jul 12, 2001
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Errr,there is another problem to proning I dont think anyone has described yet?

I know it could be argued that diving for the floor every time the bullets start flyin is a legitimate strategy...(even the seasoned pro players we all look up to do this!!!) maybe they do it in the movies,but if everyone playing online is gonna go flat whenever a gunshot rings out,the already near empty online situation will only get worse....I myself try to either drop 2 one knee and take em out,or try to find cover b4 diving and composing myself.

OK,usually I always get taken out by the dust-bellies,as they're pretty hard 2 hit,but rather than dive 4 the floor outta habit,I'll die on my feet...

The inf community may be a little ego-manic,but there r also some XL-ant guys out there too!

Tommy Atkins

Older, but no wiser
Mar 17, 2001
Guess what?

I love setting ambushes. Cap the rushers then let them whine about campers. Tough shit bud- I'm still playing, you've got the rest of the round to look forward to as a ghost.

Of course, half the time I capped in my ambush post, but hey, that's life ;)


monkey spanker
Me too Tom.

But i am now trying to be careful when WAITING prone for ppl to come by, when ive set up an ambush. Because i dont want to have my legs in the wall. I've recently discovered this because ive also recently discovered the joys of camping :eek2:.

But camping/proning is just such a touchy subject at the minute that i dont know what to do. Its gone a lot further than the arguments about insta-proners. So lets all look forward to what (hopefully) 2.86 will sort:

Hit box
Insta-prone speed.
(dont know about wall clipping tho)

Then hopefully no one will whine about proners anymore (yeah right :)). If you get killed by one then, then you have yourself to blame. Just be careful and look (or learn the good spots) where ppl will set up prone ambush's, and then either be casreful near these areas, nade them or just fire into them on the off chance. Its annoying as a sniper getting killed by someone fireing a nade upto the top floor on Dockside. But its the only way the other guy can safely come in from the dock into the courtyard. So therefore a valid tactic.

I also dont want to hear any rubbish about how you should stand up and fight cos this aint quake/ut/cs/to/blah...blah. Its a tactical shooter. You can play how you want within the SPIRIT of the game. Whatever that is :)

@ Arfur:

Hitting the deck is a valid option in many situations. Eg. Getting sniped by a proner, coming under long range fire, proning to get behind cover, and i see no problem with ppl doing this.

But like you say, insta-proners from 6ft away is just un-acceptable IMHO (and many others also). Way to unrealistic as well as bug abuse. I mean who IRL can hit the deck fire accurately and spin like a human dynamo? Not me :)
Jul 12, 2001
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I'm not sure what's to be implemented in the 2.86 release,but...what if;

Diving took a good whack outta ur stamina,as well as the bit of health it takes,(a 'winded' effect)

Laying down was a slower action,as in the player goes thru the motions of crouching first,then lays down....(still done with the double-tap backward tho)but no stamina penalty...

Getting up was also a slower process,(would mean going prone was a lot riskier up close)

Despite any probs bugged proning causes,i agree its a part of inf that is absoloutely vital to the tactical/realism involved in THE combat sim/game:)


New Member
Apr 27, 2001
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I think camping is gay. Campers really are only concerned about frags. The round starts, the team rushes off to engage the enemy... does the camper help? No. He goes prone on top of that crate in the spawn site. Basically he's saying "Fück my team, I'm going to let them go fight, and after they die I'm gonna finish off the enemy survivors when they come looking for me, whittled down to a few and probably wounded, and get all the frags."

What if that camper had attacked with his team, maybe he would be that additonal teammate that won the firefight. Or be the guy who lobbed a grenade and took out three enemies a bit too close to each other. But no! They wanna camp, so they can be alive in the round for maximum amount of time, with the minimum amount of risk.


New Member
Jul 22, 2001
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its lame when someone camps at the end of the round with 3 guys, and the clock is going, and if no one comes he loses anyways, so why make ppl wait?
whats reeeaaallly lame is the campers i always see go to the most unlikely spots where no one will look. its ok if someone camps in a spot most likely to have enemies in it, then moves....but its annoying watching your teamate hump the floor the whole round.