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Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Yep, I see nothing wrong with the President ignoring law or using extortionist methods to get what he wants. Nothing at all.

yes, all of those that call for more laws and regulations could care less about abiding by the law. cute, isn't it? :lol:

yea, it would be really neat if obama could be a dictator. he'd really get some good things done

Where were you guys when Bush was deciding to invade a country that has lots of oil, but had nothing to do with 9/11. We invaded with no proof of anything. That was against the law, but you guys didn't say a word about it. I guess it's fair to say that it's just a political thing and you don't really care about laws being broken. You are still bitter about the election.
I love how quickly people dismiss republicans with "where were you" nonesense. Maybe I speak for myself on this one but I thought bush was absolutely retarded, if there's one trait that I liked was that he wasn't afraid to get things done. Unfortunatly nearly everything he did was dumb as hell. I spoke out about this, moreso than I do about Obama. Now with the current administration he's a huge pussy and fails to do anything of substance.

Constitutional Conservatives support an end to the wars. If not in the least simply because they're undeclared.
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That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
where was I? I wasn't on this forum at that time. And, as I've stated several times, I was against the invasion of Iraq. That said, I'm not really sure how it was "illegal". It was voted on by a super-majority in congress.... you know with the majority of democrats voting for it. The same ones that turned around and condemned it and painted bush as hitler resurrected when things didn't work out. talk about cowards, jeez!


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
People's lifes and the ecosystem has been destroyed and all what you care about is IF the President is breaking laws?? How about having some solidarity ?
Solidarity? You have got to be kidding. I fail to see how this issue is related to the oil spill. If the nuclear waste disposal center in Utah meets federal and state guidelines, then the citizens are merely bitching because they simply want to complain.

Where were you guys when Bush was deciding to invade a country that has lots of oil, but had nothing to do with 9/11. We invaded with no proof of anything. That was against the law, but you guys didn't say a word about it. I guess it's fair to say that it's just a political thing and you don't really care about laws being broken. You are still bitter about the election.

Bush AND Congress. You forget that Congress approved this action.

Bitter about an election? How about you neolibs being pissed because ole Bushy beat the idiots in TWO elections? I distinctly remember many Democrats touting that Bush was not "their" President.

Feel free to piss up a rope.

I love how quickly people dismiss republicans with "where were you" nonesense. Maybe I speak for myself on this one but I thought bush was absolutely retarded, if there's one trait that I liked was that he wasn't afraid to get things done. Unfortunatly nearly everything he did was dumb as hell. I spoke out about this, moreso than I do about Obama. Now with the current administration he's a huge pussy and fails to do anything of substance.

Constitutional Conservatives support an end to the wars. If not in the least simply because they're undeclared.

I don't feel that Bush was stupid or retarded, as you put it. He graduated from Yale and Harvard Business School. He was also Governor of Texas and President of the US. However, he did rather come off as a bit uneducated, but I think due more in the fact that he isn't a great off the cuff communicator, as was his predecessor.

As for Obama, what I do not like about him are many of his socialist ideals, as well as his lack of real leadership capabilities (other than the Chicago thug style of leadership he showed to BP). I'm not saying he isn't qualified to the in the position, but his lack of previous executive experience outshines any positive motion from his administration.

Exactly which laws has the President broke?
He possibly abused the power of his office.

And where was your concern for the law when Dubya was illegally tapping phones, exposing CIA operatives, imprisoning people without a trail, and torturing suspects?
1. illegally tapping phones-a court found the government to be in the wrong here. Constitution prevails.
2. exposing CIA operatives-no comment
3. imprisoning people without a trail-who? Oh, you mean Gitmo? I admit that this was mishandled from the beginning.
4. and torturing suspects-admitted terrorists

Why is it that some of you see this in black and white? Just because one person speaks out about BP being made to fork over $20B is no inclination towards overlooking other national issues.


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
Bush was bad so Obama can do anything he wants and we're totally cool with it. Hey, even letting off the new black panthers intimidating voters is ok, even if they publicly claim they want to kill whites and their babies. no problems, it's all good... bush was bad.

oh, and republicans are the racists
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Exactly which laws has the President broke?
I didn't mean that in this case. I don't know if he did or not. But it LOOKED like he did, and that's a problem for me.
And where was your concern for the law when Dubya was illegally tapping phones, exposing CIA operatives, imprisoning people without a trail, and torturing suspects?
It was still there, however the two situations are apples and oranges. The Patriot Act is an ACT OF CONGRESS that was signed by the President. Additionally, Bush's culpability in most of what you mentioned in thin at best.

And as others have stated, how does Bush not being a good President excuse any of the actions of Obama?


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
And as others have stated, how does Bush not being a good President excuse any of the actions of Obama?

Brizz, this is typical liberal response. Deflect your own guy's possible misdeeds by focusing on a key member (or former member) of the opposing party. It is an attempt to make conservatives look like hypocrites when all along, so are liberals, and that is what makes their arguments fail.

We heard for eight years that Bush and the GOP failed this country. In the wake of that alleged failure, we as a whole elected in a supermajority Democratic Congress and a Democratic President. And what have THEY done with this key handed to them on a silver platter? They have squandered it every step of the way. Wiretapping trampled citizens' rights? well, what about this bullsh*t health care law? Or how about the mass spending that the American people cannot afford? Unlike a handful of people whose lives may have been affected by the alleged illegal wiretapping, the big bills passed by this Congress and Administration affect literally every citizen, and not in a positive way.

And what the hell is going on with this Administration suing Arizona over a law that SUPPORTS and FOLLOWS Federal law? Oh, and what about the fact that California already has a law that Arizona SB 1070 mirrors? Why is the Administration NOT going after Cali? What about all the states that have sanctuary cities, a fact which puts these states in contempt of Federal laws? And don't even get me started on the subject kiff mentioned.


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
Unlike a handful of people whose lives may have been affected by the alleged illegal wiretapping, the big bills passed by this Congress and Administration affect literally every citizen, and not in a positive way.
yep, they're so damn concerned about the rights of a few that aid terrorists, but to hell with the rights of ALL law abiding citizens. what a joke.
What about all the states that have sanctuary cities, a fact which puts these states in contempt of Federal laws?
Robert Gibbs was asked about that. His response was his typical "uhhh.... ummmm.... I'll get back to you... uhhhh buuhhhhh"


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
This thread is such a joke. People just keep repeating the same BS arguments from other threads that make no sense at all even when they're contextually relevant. Good freaking lord. Reopen the health care debate thread if you want to make ridiculous claims about how it is stripping the rights from people and is worse than the federal government conducting thousands of illegal wiretaps; find a war thread if you want to discuss more the merits of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As for something relevant: how is Obama meeting with BP and helping to establish a fund to help pay out for damages this horrible thing? As has been stated, he doesn't have the right to actually punish BP if they don't do this. Likewise, the president doesn't have the right to punish Israel and Palestine if they don't come to an agreement--that doesn't mean it isn't worth talking to them and trying to get them to come to an understanding. Seriously, what did he do wrong here? DAMN the president for TALKING to people and convincing them to do things; how DARE he!



The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Seriously, what did he do wrong here?


He's a democrat. Sadly, that's all people seem to care about and then they have to make up inane arguments to support their stance... and collectively people from each side puke up ****heaps like this thread.


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
yep, they're so damn concerned about the rights of a few corporations, but to hell with the rights of ALL law abiding citizens. what a joke.
oh right, because BP has been found guilty of breaking some laws and they're not law abiding? :rolleyes:

As for something relevant: how is Obama meeting with BP and helping to establish a fund to help pay out for damages this horrible thing? As has been stated, he doesn't have the right to actually punish BP if they don't do this.
ok, well here's one for ya. What if, when BP goes through the legal system, claim they were intimidated into dropping the $20billion. That just might screw up a lot of claims for damages eh? Just a thought... I know, I know, I'm totally on their side :rolleyes:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
As for something relevant: how is Obama meeting with BP and helping to establish a fund to help pay out for damages this horrible thing? As has been stated, he doesn't have the right to actually punish BP if they don't do this. Likewise, the president doesn't have the right to punish Israel and Palestine if they don't come to an agreement--that doesn't mean it isn't worth talking to them and trying to get them to come to an understanding. Seriously, what did he do wrong here? DAMN the president for TALKING to people and convincing them to do things; how DARE he!

Frankly, nobody knows what happened in the meeting other than a few people in the administration and a few of the BP executives. None of that changes the fact that the President does not have the power or jurisdiction to coerce anyone in this country into something in an attempt to circumvent the due process afforded them by the Constitution. The PERCEPTION of what became of this meeting is probably far worse than what actually happened, but Obama has been continually driving this perception problem on multiple fronts since the day he took office.

I don't think anyone cares that Obama met with the BP executives. It's the fact that his little TV public relations spot prior to the meeting was dripping with requirements that he was going to hold BP to and promises that he was going to make them do what he wanted them to do. He also talked about how he was going to have a third party manage the money in that fund, which raised all kinds of other questions. Whether it was intentional or not, it just doesn't look good when he says things like that and does things like he did.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Deflect your own guy's possible misdeeds by focusing on a key member (or former member) of the opposing party. It is an attempt to make conservatives look like hypocrites
oh my god.. get over yourself. you act like republicans/conservatives don't do the exact same thing when their party is in power.
please choke on your ego :shake:
And what have THEY done with this key handed to them on a silver platter? They have squandered it every step of the way
Obama was handed a key on a silver platter??
that's it, I'm convinced. you're delusional.
does your memory stop and reset every 10 years?

it was Bush who stepped into a surplus and left with a debt.
it was Bush who stepped into peace time and left with war. 2 wars, in fact.
it was Bush who stepped into a booming economy and left with the Great Recession. he introduced the stimulus and buyouts, afterall.

Bush had the key and the platter.
Obama was just handed a pile of lemons with which he is trying to make lemonade. you can disagree with his methods, but you can't make these ridiculous statements in which you deny history in favor of your petty attacks.


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
it was Bush who stepped into a surplus and left with a debt.
sorry there jacks, but Clinton left office with a dropping stock market and it got almost as low as it did this time. and then after 9/11 we recovered after that and had record low unemployment. This decade, no matter how obama wants to paint it, was very good economically.
it was Bush who stepped into peace time and left with war. 2 wars, in fact.
oh well, 9/11 and a pissy Iraq was "inherited" now wasn't it? Not to mention a ****ed up housing market, CRA in full swing, fanny and freddy and a repealed glass-stiegel. Good work there!
it was Bush who stepped into a booming economy and left with the Great Recession. he introduced the stimulus and buyouts, afterall.
Bush and Obama "inherited" very similar economic circumstances, but Bush didn't piss away trillions and drive our debt up even close to what obama is. and no, bush had nothing to do with the "stimulus". tarp yes, which obama took full credit for :lol:
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Jan 24, 2004
He can't just ignore due process no matter what the times are.

Also, the Jones Act is an act of Congress that was signed by the President when it was enacted. Due process is a constitutional right protected by the 14th amendment.

Due process isn't all about investigation and conviction. Even people who admit they have committed a crime deserve to have their case heard before a judge and receive sentencing from said judge.

If BP wants to voluntarily pay the money for the cleanup, good for them. No due process is necessary. If they want a judge to tell them what they are accountable for, they are allowed that. In any case, the President should not be passing judgement and sentencing. That is not his department and it's a complete disregard for constitutional law.


It's pretty obvious when the President is breaking laws.
Exactly which laws has the President broke?
I didn't mean that in this case. I don't know if he did or not. But it LOOKED like he did, and that's a problem for me.
Wait, what was that earlier tripe about ignoring due process? Now you just think it looks bad and it's illegal, but you can't come up with anything? Really Brizz, bring up an actual point or be quiet already.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
ok, well here's one for ya. What if, when BP goes through the legal system, claim they were intimidated into dropping the $20billion. That just might screw up a lot of claims for damages eh? Just a thought... I know, I know, I'm totally on their side :rolleyes:

Honestly? This is your argument? That the president isn't allowed to talk to people because they might say he was mean and because the president is mean the courts will say that people hurt by the spill don't get money?

Frankly, nobody knows what happened in the meeting other than a few people in the administration and a few of the BP executives. None of that changes the fact that the President does not have the power or jurisdiction to coerce anyone in this country into something in an attempt to circumvent the due process afforded them by the Constitution. The PERCEPTION of what became of this meeting is probably far worse than what actually happened, but Obama has been continually driving this perception problem on multiple fronts since the day he took office.

I don't think anyone cares that Obama met with the BP executives. It's the fact that his little TV public relations spot prior to the meeting was dripping with requirements that he was going to hold BP to and promises that he was going to make them do what he wanted them to do. He also talked about how he was going to have a third party manage the money in that fund, which raised all kinds of other questions. Whether it was intentional or not, it just doesn't look good when he says things like that and does things like he did.

Again I agree: Obama doesn't have the power to circumvent due process. He is, however, an extremely influential person. What would he have done to coerce BP? Threaten to hit them with the army? Any legal maneuvers will have to go through the courts, any new laws will have to go through congress. I mean, honestly, what does he have at his disposal that wouldn't be immediately illegal and easily impeachable?

The outrage you are proposing is ridiculous. Can you BELIEVE that the president of our country got a company to promise to clean up their mess and convinced them to set up a fund to pay out money in a fast and effective manner? HORRIBLE! You take a completely noble stance (the oil company needs to pay for damage), a completely benevolent outcome (the company promises to pay for damage, sets up method to do so) and you manage to twist it into claiming the president is breaking the law? Give me a break.



_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
oh my god.. get over yourself. you act like republicans/conservatives don't do the exact same thing when their party is in power.
please choke on your ego :shake:
Obama was handed a key on a silver platter??
that's it, I'm convinced. you're delusional.
does your memory stop and reset every 10 years?

it was Bush who stepped into a surplus and left with a debt.
it was Bush who stepped into peace time and left with war. 2 wars, in fact.
it was Bush who stepped into a booming economy and left with the Great Recession. he introduced the stimulus and buyouts, afterall.

Bush had the key and the platter.
Obama was just handed a pile of lemons with which he is trying to make lemonade. you can disagree with his methods, but you can't make these ridiculous statements in which you deny history in favor of your petty attacks.

The BIG difference, you bonehead, is that Obama and the Dems have a supermajority and what have they done? They have used what I feel are underhanded tactics to get what they want. Have other Congresses and Administrations done the same thing? Sure, but they did not have the kind of power this current majority has been given.

And I don't need to "get over" myself. I have the right to voice my damned opinion, and I could give a rat's behind if you agree with it or like it, or if you think I'm an idiot. Last time I checked, a citizen wasn't required to pass a test or have an Ivy League eduction to have his voice heard.

Obama was handed what he was handed, as was every other President. Remember this, he VOLUNTEERED for the job he was elected into. Perhaps if the jerk would quit blaming the PREVIOUS Administration for his every blunder, I might lay off. Until then...
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