I'm making a boomerang for the WoD mod (a modified RazorBlade), and I want it to go through walls when it returns to you. I put if ( bReturning ) around everything in the HitWall function, so it doesn't bounce when its returning, but now it'll just sit, trying to move forward when it hits a wall. How would I get it to just go through? Also, would increasing the LifeSpan variable make it last longer before disappearing (I already got rid of the 5 bounce maximum)? I'm pretty sure it would, but I though I'd check.
Also, while I'm asking about my boomerang, would you prefer a wooden, Austrailian-like boomerang, or just the RazorBlade (not Razor2) without the pink trail? How much damage? Should it have ghost trails to make it look pretty? As it is, it looks like a large RazorBlade, cuz I'm still testing the code, does 50 damage, has some good MomentumTransfer, no ghost trails, and can get headshots (bad if it's gonna be wooden).
BTW, Kangus, having:
SetRotation( rotator(Instigator.Location - Location) );
Velocity = Speed * vector(Rotation);
in Tick doesn't lag at all.
Here's a pic of my wooden boomerang. It'll look significantly lighter in UT.
EDIT: BTW, it's only 30 polies!
Also, while I'm asking about my boomerang, would you prefer a wooden, Austrailian-like boomerang, or just the RazorBlade (not Razor2) without the pink trail? How much damage? Should it have ghost trails to make it look pretty? As it is, it looks like a large RazorBlade, cuz I'm still testing the code, does 50 damage, has some good MomentumTransfer, no ghost trails, and can get headshots (bad if it's gonna be wooden).
BTW, Kangus, having:
SetRotation( rotator(Instigator.Location - Location) );
Velocity = Speed * vector(Rotation);
in Tick doesn't lag at all.
Here's a pic of my wooden boomerang. It'll look significantly lighter in UT.
EDIT: BTW, it's only 30 polies!
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