Bonecrusher said:
Being that I'm 17 instead of 16, as long as I don't screw up on the parking they should pass me. I heard they usually fail the young ones the first time just because they're young. Since I waited hopefully they'll let me have it. My test is scheduled for 5 days before school starts again. I wanted to be driving for when school yeah I'm hoping I pass. My dad said he didn't want to have to take me twice
When you take your driving test, remember to bring your car and your dad (learners permit).
1. always say yes sir , yes mam.
2.Always check your mirrors .
3. Always signal.
4. always use your seat belt, make the tester put on thiers before you start rolling.
5. pretent to check your car;s functionality.
6. No music.
7.ignore all the preatty girls on the street.
8. obey all traffic signs (go the speed limit)
9. don't run a yellow light.
10. parrallel park slowly.
11. no curseing out the drivers infront of you, no matter how slowly they leave a stop sign or traffic light.
Basically, do every thing that I don't do.
See Taz I know how to drive!