bleh! getting kicked by UTDC.

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- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
Botpack.u?! Sounds like a VERY familiar problem to me. Hope you will not get it as often as I did while I played regularly in the end from now on. (Cause it happened quite often, and everytime the checksum of that file was something else).
Apr 21, 2003
I think the SS and the IMT should get more often such errenous bytes. Than the'll code more :D.

BTW, what to do when that happens? What to reinstall? Just the INF core files?


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
My UnrealTournament installation is for UT, OldSkool, INF, IMT, RT, UNGHFix and it's totally screwed up. I don't think any game runs properly now. UT crashes on runtime, OldSkool can only load INF maps, RT works ok, but I have like 5 versions, each with different code. I have to delete UNHGFix everytime I play online and recompile it every time I work on it... Same goes for the IMT stuff. I also have old mutators from 2.86 installed that don't work but their .int files and .u files still clutter my directories including Strike Force content. But! I have never had a file corrupt on me yet :D


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Laser isn't clientside yet, but online, that blurred laser effect is still somewhat visible with good ping. The TacLight experiment grew into a monster... I am trying to replace every light instance with a new lightclass with coronas that people CAN'T turn off. The effect works offline, but online, nadda. One thing I don't have is a grasp of replication.

Fat Marrow

Feb 27, 2002
UN17 said:
Laser isn't clientside yet, but online, that blurred laser effect is still somewhat visible with good ping. The TacLight experiment grew into a monster... I am trying to replace every light instance with a new lightclass with coronas that people CAN'T turn off. The effect works offline, but online, nadda. One thing I don't have is a grasp of replication.

I'm guessing you're trying to replicate a variable (bCorona) for which the replication details have already been defined in a parent object (the Light class).

The usual fix (I think) is to make another variable, replicate that, and then add code to read and write to the parent variable to which it corresponds.

In this case, you probably need to put in some code to manually set bCorona to true at the appropriate points.

Sorry if that's vague/unhelpful - it's been a while since I tried my hand at this stuff.

Edit: UnrealWiki is your friend


Aspiring Astrophysicist
Arrr, alot of the UTDC servers used to kick me as well, it was anoying as hell. Then someone finnally decided to add what it was kicking me for in the console message when it kicks you. Somehow my Engine.u got fracked to hell and was 1.11Megs (Should only be 1.09Megs) I tired to fix it, but failed. I went about re-installing UT, redownloading all the patches and the entire Infiltration Mod, and it works now.

Anyways, I have a question: What pack is the UZI included in? I got WP1.2 already, is there anything else im missing?


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
There's a Micro Uzi in WP1.2 and a Mini Uzi in the INF Bonus pack. Or the other way around.
Nov 19, 2004
Go figure, just this weekend I was getting kicked by utdc for a corrupted botpack.u (byte 001B9D9E was A8 instead of 28). Weird thing is that it was completely random when it first started to kick me. One map utdc would let me play, but upon joining the next map it would kick me. I'd reconnect and all would be fine until the next map. Odd eh? :rolleyes:

Also got logged too. I joined one time right at the start of the round, had a weapon in hand but was able to ghost around. Screen faded out into death black (after you just die) so I clicked my mouse and I suddenly spawned into the middle of the already active round and utdc said it logged me. Also wierd. :eek:
Nov 19, 2004
And my original problem was that my computer was just slightly too overclocked when I was getting those corrupt bytes. Dont know why windows or ut/inf would write to the botpack.u file when playing anyways but anything can happen when you push your computer just a little too far. Oh well, fixed that 2 months ago. Good to hear you found out what was happening with your botpack.u file geogob.