Biggest resolution in UT2 only 1024x768. Please help!

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New Member
Jul 25, 2009
Hello guys
Im addicted to UT2 and like to play onslaught, but i can't fully enjoy my time while playing.The reason is:
I have phillips tv, connected to my PC (quite big one), and i cant have game full screen. The biggest resolution is 1024x768.
I've tried to install patch, not better. Still cant have game fulscreen.
Please help!!
Any linking or advices very appreciated.
Many thanks!


Rainbow Brite
May 20, 2001
Chula Vista, CA
What type of connection to your TV? If it's connected via Composite (a single yellow jack) or S-Video (a single black mini-DIN jack) typically you cannot get a resolution higher than 1024x768, and actually a TV connected in that way only outputs at 640x480 interlaced anyway, so it's being downscaled. If you can connect your TV via Component (three jacks--green/red/blue), DVI (large white rectangular plug with many pins), or HDMI (small black flat plug), you can achieve higher resolutions, up to 720p or 1080p, depending on your TV.


New Member
Jul 25, 2009
Thanks for your response, Hyrulian
Connection to my tv is HDMI

The strange thing is that once, while tried to figure out what could be a problem, i downloaded demo from some other place than i usually download stuff for UT2 (usually i go to, and finally i got it full screen, but there was another problem: the online server list was empty and i had no way to connect to online plays, so i removed that version and installed the usual demo.
So here i feel that problem is somewhere in a soft as far as i have seen this on full screen.

What site you guys downloading demo from (UT2)?

Or finally ... maybe there is a way to add server lists to game?
Then i could fix this issue by adding server lists to the working demo version
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