Why in instant action if my default team is red does betrayal keep starting me on the blue team? Other team gametypes start me out on red all the time.
Your team always appears blue so that you have a pot to work towards. Anytime anyone on your team gets a kill, it adds one point to the pot. When someone on your team betrays another person on your team, they take all the points in the pot, the team is broken, and the person who was betrayed has roughly 30 seconds to kill the person who betrayed the team. If they do, they also earn the number of points that the betrayer took, I think.That's not dynamic if your team always appears blue. Also, I'm not sure the point of this game type. Why not just frag everyone and get all the points?
Probably because blue is easier to see than red?So why don't they assign the default betrayal team the same as your player's team in the INI files? I'm sure it was very simple to do. If your player doesn't have a team assigned, then all bets are off but I just like being on the red team.
Probably because blue is easier to see than red?
Either way, does this really matter all that much? You could probably make a mutator to turn them Magenta if you wanted to. Then it'd be like BRIGHTSKINZ!!!
Also, I'm not sure the point of this game type. Why not just frag everyone and get all the points?
You still dont tell us why it matters. There is only one team in betrayal: Yours. It doesn't matter what color it is. It doesn't affect any other game type, either. Once your next non betrayal game starts, back to red you go. You get put on blue becauseIt matters because I play offline most of the time and for all the other team game types my team is red, but this one can't be set to red. It's would be OK if I played online most of the time because you're always switching teams, but it just seems like another case of the offline players getting screwed. Of course, it's a minor point but it still was overlooked.
The bonus points are ON TOP of the regular points for the kill- thus, you can get more points by "playing the game" than by just shooting everything, assuming you don't suck too badly. If you can get ten more points for killing one person instead of getting just one, I think you'd win faster.Also, I'm not sure the point of this game type. Why not just frag everyone and get all the points?
If you would play it online you would realize that this is the way it is played, due to broken gamerules. It is some gimmicky stuff (like most of the Titan Pack) that isn't thought out til the end for lasting fun but only for a few days because, well, it is new and gimmicky stuff.
You still dont tell us why it matters.
That would add unnecessary confusion, for the reasons SirTahngarth mentioned. If you were on Blue, Red beam is attack enemies and blue beam is attack team. Fine. If you were on Red, should they be swapped? If so, why? That's just unnecessarily confusing.Yes I did tell you, but I can't help it if you can't read or won't accept my reasons. All they could have done was make your team whatever team color your UT3 player usually is and then the other team the other color and it would have worked just fine. I understand the rules a little better, but it still doesn't change my opinion that Epic screwed this game type up.
The main point of betrayal was actually to make instagib a true gametype (not just a mutator) and to add a wrinkle of strategy to the existing reasons to play instagib (emphasis of aim). And yes, you've got the gist of it. Don't think of it as a team, think of it as a temporary alliance, meant to be broken- just not immediatelyOK, I just finished playing a few rounds and I had no idea it was instagib. Is this the way it is? Also, I guess it's not really a true "team" game because the blue guys are just being used for points. So I frag as many non-blue guys as I can and then betray a blue guy when the points are up and hope he doesn't get revenge/retribution/whatever... It works out and this must be a fast, unbelieveable frenzy online.
Wait, you complained about "DA RULEZ" before actually having played Betrayal a single time? I recommend getting your time line straight the next time you find something looking strange.