BBF vs DE scrim - utxmp stress results...

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Do you think patch 1a makes UTXMP scrimmable for clan play?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • Yes - provided that certain maps are used.

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
PRG said:
=vÐ= is sure as hell not scrimming anyone in UTXMP's current state. The whole idea that this build is good enough for competitive play is a joke. Sorry to flame you Phatazz, but it's true. Way too many bugs. Not to mention what's the point? There's nothing practice as things will be different by the gold build and there won't be ladders or leagues until around then too.

1) Competitive play that's officially recorded and placed in the ladder is not possible - I agree.
2) Competitive play that's friendly and fun is possible with this build.
3) There are many bugs but you can still scrim.
4) The point is to play XMP with clan members and have fun. For some reason people look down on clans that stack in pubs. The answer to that? Scrims.
5) When is the Gold going to be released? The only clans that were purely XMP based that are still alive right now are Alpha, DE, and XClan.

Anyhow, that's it. It's really a way to keep clans like ours alive through the process. A lot of other clans have many other FPS' to fall back to. DE doesn't have an "official" other FPS or game it plays.

Somehow, I think that people will think that the XMP community will just spring forth out of the ground and start playing when the gold version comes out. Some of this might be true. But I don't want to see people that I love to play XMP with go to other games and just not want to come back.

I can tell you now that some clan members are going to MMORPG's like WOW and EQ2. That's a one way street.

PETsnake bitch
Feb 25, 2004
PRG said:
=vÐ= is sure as hell not scrimming anyone in UTXMP's current state. The whole idea that this build is good enough for competitive play is a joke. Sorry to flame you Phatazz, but it's true. Way too many bugs. Not to mention what's the point? There's nothing practice as things will be different by the gold build and there won't be ladders or leagues until around then too.

not like the clan that beta tested this should be supporting it or anything. Let alone playing it a bit. . .or wanting other clans to play it. . .

and furthermore, what's the point of having fun or trying to practice and grow as a clan, you god damn kids have some nerve. . .

The more that word gets out utxmp has an active community, the more of an interest there will be once the final project arrives. Back when u2xmp was a flourishing newborn, all the new players got a chance to be caught up in the excitement of an active and growing player/clanbase. Most of the veterans playing now were terrible when they started, but have grown into the leaders of xmp as we know it. I'd just like to send a shout out to the council, you guys have huge ------->
(must be 18+ to view)
Dec 4, 2004
My impression is that neither of you have a large rough object firmly placed in your ass 24/7, unlike you're clanmate PRG. So you're ok :)

<3 brizz
<3 jackal


XMP Beta Tester
Nov 11, 2003
Visit site
MurderousPandaa said:
My impression is that neither of you have a large rough object firmly placed in your ass 24/7, unlike you're clanmate PRG. So you're ok :)

<3 brizz
<3 jackal

No, that's our general view, collectively. It's been discussed. I only posted since we were named in this thread. Not to mention, it's the kind of attitude such as your yours that just reinforces that collective view. It's attitudes such as yours that don't make it fun and even Phatazz has even essentially agreed it's mostly pointless to scrim other than fun.

BTW, given your intelligent reply Phatazz, sorry bro for the tone of my response previously.

Not to mention, Snake: if everyone acts like jerks like they did throughout U2XMP like anyones gonna bother caring there's an active community. This forum is one of the view gauges an outsider has on the XMP community. Perfect example: you calling me "kid", you have no right or basis for it. Then again, I should have expected to get called names the first moment I post something that's opinion.
Dec 4, 2004
Michael Jackson - Heal The World

There's a place in your Heart and I know that is love
and this place could be much brighter than tomorrow
and if you really try you'll find there's no need to cry
in this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there if you care enough for the living
make a little space make a better place ...

Heal the World make it a better place
for you and for me and the entire human race
there are people dying if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why there's a love that cannot lie
love is strong it only cares of joyful giving if we try
we shall see in this bliss we cannot feel fear or dread
we stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always love's enough for us growing
so make a better world make a better World ...

Heal the World ...

And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face
and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
then why do we keep strangling life
wound this earth crucify it's soul though it's plain too see
world is heavenly be god's glow

We could fly so high let our spirits never die in my heart
I feel you are all my brothers create a world with no fear
together we cry happy tears
see the nations turn their swords into plowshares

We could really get there if you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place ...

Heal the world ...

Heal the world ...

Heal the world ...

There are people dying if you care enough for the living
make a better place for you and for me

There are people ...

You and for me

PETsnake bitch
Feb 25, 2004
--->kids was refering to the people actually trying to scrim and enjoy it, prg, i have always enjoyed your company on the forums, and i apologize for coming across as confrontational. I just really didn't expect the post you layed up there. i guess it's just difficult for us xmp veterans to wait so long and keep waiting, but we maintain that hope that kept us here for the last 6+ bland months. . .

PETsnake bitch
Feb 25, 2004
The Jackal-XMP said:
im not in VD, and im a beta you hate me too?

the only person i ever had hate for was boostpw, but he learned how to manage his energy resources since then, and i no longer have anything against him, he's a decent guy. i think you can find a healthy list of the people raccoon has his eye on over at if you are interested in a good read


Jan 22, 2004
anyways to get back to phatazz's post off clans wanting to scrim,
i don't think you're getting euro clans to scrim us clans
you can ask th clanleader but he will have no support of most of his clan i think.
stay on you're own continent to scrim this buggy game as the framerate droppings and bugs are hard enough already to cope with, let alone lag issues.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Jubei said:
anyways to get back to phatazz's post off clans wanting to scrim,
i don't think you're getting euro clans to scrim us clans
you can ask th clanleader but he will have no support of most of his clan i think.
stay on you're own continent to scrim this buggy game as the framerate droppings and bugs are hard enough already to cope with, let alone lag issues.

We are going to scrim GSF prob in a week.

With Euro clans, my usual set up it,

2 maps each clan for total of 4.
Maps I selected are on your server.
Maps you selected are on our server.

So, it's possivble. Depends on the lag too. For most of DE members we are sub 200 to the GSF server. Most around 150 which is fine for techs and gunners, but rangers will have a problem. Anyhow that's why we set it up like above.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
I agree totally.

Murkywoods and Kaminari are terrible.

Rampant is next worst.

Then Lowlands...but lowlands is playable.
the others are generally okay.


Who Dey!
Oct 11, 2003
I think its funny how EVERYONE that posts on these forums calls themself and "XMP vet". I find it a humorus attempt to make one's e-penis swell and to give one self credibility. Its possible to be a "vet" and an idiot at the same time.

This post isnt posted at anyone in particular.

As far as scrimming...meh...maybe when the game is more done. Then again, nobody has any freaking clue when/if that will be.


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
meh... vet = animal doctor :D

PhatAzz said:
2 maps each clan for total of 4.
Maps I selected are on your server.
Maps you selected are on our server.
Would it not be fairer to play your chosen maps on their server and their chosen maps on yours?
Just food for thought...


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Eat_my_shorts said:
meh... vet = animal doctor :D

Would it not be fairer to play your chosen maps on their server and their chosen maps on yours?
Just food for thought...

Um, are you correcting my poor grammar(which is due to cut and pasting from a form scrim setting post I have)?

Or did you not understand my post which basically is saying exactly what you just said?


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
[[Vash]] said:
o_O We werent on the list either fireball *parties as well*

Well, I've already posted on your forums about having a scrim. LOL. So it was kinda moot for NB


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
Well being the VET of XMP that i am, id like to say that i have the biggest E-Penis of all. As a matter of fact ITS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! Its bigger then vD's EGO and thats pretty ****ing big. But who cares soon [pet] will be ready to scrim again look forward to owning you all. I agree about the turrets they are also way to powerful. Tech is my main clas and im like HOLY**** who needs anything else ill just hide a damn turret and (since im a V E T) i know the best places to hide them and everyonce ina while it will just say 100 you killed blah blah lol. so far i am most impressed with ALC it seems pretty normal and that new map CRASHFLIGHT i think would be alot of fun in a scrim.