Originally posted by @kuma
that mouse beaver has my left cheek & eye twitching nervously
feel free not to use it as your avatar
why can't you people find decent images?
Originally posted by Twrecks
PR is very popular in the US.
I read alot of the series as a teen (darn I'm a old fart!)
Pucky (or Gucky to you Jerrys) was a favorite.
There are alot of websites here in the US dedicated to PR.
I favored Edgar Rice Burrough's John Carter of Mars over PR so what books I had went to my older brother who had at the time nearly 600 paperbacks and I got his ERB's
here's a gif:
Originally posted by Balton.de
you actualy got a nice pic of gucky! I have a few scan but they all had some peaces of text over... but I more would go with Icho Tolot. the 4 armed war machine : ). he has three eyes and two brains...
Originally posted by @kuma
it gives the impression you've recently escaped from a maximum security institution.
Akuma with some lesser denizen of hell on life support
Originally posted by @kuma
S'ok. I'd prefer a pic of real poo.
And speaking of the mentally impared, Balton just change that fucking avatar image please - along with your "Angry Like A Muffin!" tag and that new sig you've adopted it gives the impression you've recently escaped from a maximum security institution.
Originally posted by @kuma
It looks better ona darker background
you do know what the character is, right?
Originally posted by JTRipper
Don't tell me Akuma's badly lit too?