[GODz]_Odysseus- said:
could u make an avatar for me please??????
image=<-----same as this
colours=whatever u think looks good
words=[GODz]-Odysseus-(tag centered at top name centered at bottom in silver)
Sorry Odysseus, I'm on a slight Haitus due to time, and mainly software issue's. I'm going to be upgrading to a new computer soon since my last one was stolen... and I'll try it after that. ^_~ I miss making avatars almost/just as much as making skins... and Its something I'm looking forward to in the future.
But for now, out of tangent and simply missing seeing them.. I'll post the ones I've made so people can get an idea of what they want for when I get back, and to take a moment to relate what went into these tiny little digital things. They have stories! Ooooooooh~
Not really... but I'll ramble anyways. =P
This was a small banner for my man Mutt.. It was harder than you might think to make a techno T-Rex that flowed correctly, but much fun. This is actually the second one... the other remains much more simple and "un-techofied". Serene even. =P
This "Hot" Mustang was made for Bite_Me333, the chosen of two designs I made for him.. (I didn't like the other one either.

) The man has good taste in cars, I'll say that much.
This was an avatar I snuck up on SaD with, I still really love it even though he opted to stick with his original. ^_~ I knew the risk making an avatar without asking someone.... but I still had fun making it.. and plus I have the full screen Xan image now that I spent many an hour cleaning up and spiff'ifying to use on another project if I need to. Thats the funny thing about my Icons, I tend to work on them as huge pictures, and then shrink them down. I know no one will ever see all the extra details, but I just can't not put them in. =P
This one was actually a blast to make.... It was specificly asked to be kept simple, without text, and so it was interesting to try to make a striking avatar.. that remained very simple at its core. I left a little space at the bottom incase he opted for text later..... though even without it it still looks pretty sweet.. Its not so much as the "Bottom of the Avatar" so much as the "Ground 'neath the Raven" now.
Ohhh.... hell. Litteraly. <grins> This one gave me a huge headache. Not because it wasnt fun mind you... I loved making it and hid a joke in it to boot. But for some ~reason~ every time I saved it as a gif it would corrupt and look like someone charred mud. Was it too evil to be made? Was it rebelling against its human opressors? No one knows... And we may never. I actually had to port it to a second program and save it. Evvvvvvvilllll to the core I tell you. ~Evil~
Another one I love to death that remains unused. Drives me up the walls that I accidently saved it flattened (Its a layer based paint program, saving it flattened means you can no longer edit each individual layer, in this case the Text layer.) because I'd really like to use it for something else.. Instead the user opted for a different Avatar and a week or two later was banned from the site for being, in short... caustic. So... wasted effort? Yeah.... and no. I still like it.
This one was forged for Guan_Di during the seventh dynast- okay.. I'll quit there. <Grins> I like this one alot, even made a wallpaper out of the image I used for it. On top of that, I've used this one on MSN a few times as my own Avatar.. since its without a name. So yeah, consider yourself "Ganked" Guan... =P I liked this one.
A humor one I made for Ol' cheapy, it was meant as a joke before sending him the real one... but someone beat me to the chase and made him a nice one before I could so I never got around to finishing the actual avatar. It still makes me smile though...
Making this was a shot in the dark.... I've never played this game in my life.. and had no idea how to answer Mista' Swami's request for it. I spent a few hours researching the characters and the games to try to figure out what would look like a half decent representation of the game.. I'm still not satisfied with it.. I think its too blurry and the border is lighter than the image (Something you never do) but Swami liked it so I left it as is.
RRRRWWAARRRRRRR <Laughs> This one took foooreeeveeerrrr despite its apparent simplicity.. The image was originally sharp tones of blacks, golds, browns and other assorted shades of rust that did not take well to being turned to a blue shade. That, and it was heavily pixilated. Infact about 80% of the avatar I repainted completely over the pre-existing image.. but in the end I like it alot so it was worth it. I also got a chance to use my Half life font... which I never do... This avatar was for Mr. Helios... loud and proud.
The first Avatar I made for the residents of Skin City, for Mutt... Belive it or not this image was once a fuzzy picture of a halloween mask. Stilll easily one of my favorites and one I can comfortable say I like top to bottom. Being a picky person that speaks volumes. =P I'd also like to mention Mutt is the man and has been a great friend since I first arrived at Skincity however so long back. Thanks again bro.
So yeah, had a blast... and I really want to keep doing it... sadly its going to be a good while before I can again... Till then though guys..