FineWolf is a nice guy - but I still hate 'auto-update systems' and I don't see the point in adding this to JB2003. Just my 2 cents
Wormbo said:No cancel possibility is very, very bad. If a player needs to download 53MB on a modem, I'm sure he'd like to do that in his favorite webbrowser or download manager while doing something else in the meantime.
Imagine you want to go to work and while you get into your car some service technician start checking your car's engine and decide to repair it without asking you.
ever thought of UZs and UCC??? How do you think they do it when you download a file from a redirect server??? And since the AUS is in an other .u then the mod itself, and that Epic is helping me a little by giving me a code to UNLOAD ALL UT2003 PACKAGES from memory exept the files required by AUS, I can update packages without using a external program or by shutting down UT2K3.Wormbo said:[-will-] brought up another important point in #utjb.
How are you going to download those files if you make it UnrealScript-only? You can't directly access the disk from UScript and which means you can't delete/move/copy/rename/update/whatever files or more specifically Unreal packages. Also the Jailbreak package most likely is in use due to the mutators in it and you wouldn't even be able to replace it with an external program without shutting down UT2k3.
ever thought of UZs and UCC??? How do you think they do it when you download a file from a redirect server??? And since the AUS is in an other .u then the mod itself, and that Epic is helping me a little by giving me a code to UNLOAD ALL UT2003 PACKAGES from memory exept the files required by AUS, I can update packages without using a external program or by shutting down UT2K3.
wacko412 said:I must first disclaim, When it comes to coding i am a newb... Now
Now my question would be if this was the case, let says you loaded up jb2k3 and you clicked "update" and your little update program ran, how would you kill the jb2k3 package when you loaded the updater via jb2k3 ? I mean i could understand if maybe the AUS system was like maybe its own mod, and you just added support of mods for it, so it would look through your system and see what mods you had on there and then checked if they where updated and then updated them. I mean that seems logical, but updating something that is already running does not seem logical. So if someone could explain his logic behind this it would make me very happy.