Attention Server Admins - MapVote Mutator

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Code Monkey
Oct 30, 2004
Near Birmingham, UK
Some of you might have seen the previous version of this in action on my server, but I've finally chopped, beaten and kicked it into good enough shape for a working alpha release. "Why?" you ask...

Well, because of the extremely small number of servers that are still running I thought it would be useful for people using quiet servers to choose maps they want, and also for people using popular servers to be able to steer the map rotation a little when there's no admin about.

What does it do?
It lets players vote for a map in a similar way to voting to kick/ban players.

How do I get/install it?
You can get it from the TeamBSE webspace here. Either grab the .zip or the individual files.
For installation and usage instructions, please read the readme.txt.

What if it's broken in some way?
Please let me know by e-mail with as much detail about the problem as you are able to include. Like I say this is very much still in alpha as I just simply don't have the time to test it as rigorously as I'd like.

Is there a GUI now?
Yes... finally.

What does it look like?
Here are some quick screenies (1024x768, click thumbnails to enlarge):

Message upon entering the game

Map selection GUI: very simplistic and ugly at the moment but I'll work on it

Vote in progress

Admins see all available maps on the server listed in blue after the main rotation.

Hope this is useful to someone, Kirby was bugging me to put it on here before christmas but I wanted to finish the GUI and "vote for next map" functionality first.

Have fun with it. Questions, comments and used five-pound notes to be submitted in un-marked brown envelopes please. Please read the readme before posting questions here. Thanks.
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Code Monkey
Oct 30, 2004
Near Birmingham, UK
I haven't seen UTXMP's version, which is most likely based on the 2k4 mapvote functionality already built in anyway. This is for U2:XMP only since U2 has no built-in map voting capability: it was never implemented.


Jul 1, 2005
Cool shiit man! Now Someone needs to convince Spawn to put it on her server! Let the people SPEAK!!!


Code Monkey
Oct 30, 2004
Near Birmingham, UK
lol, thanks for sticking up for me guys. I'm working on the next release as we speak, I've had some very useful feedback from a number of people and I'm working on improving it in the ways people want, watch this space. :)


Code Monkey
Oct 30, 2004
Near Birmingham, UK
As I said, I've had a few bug reports all of which I am endeavouring to address in the next release, which (RL commitments notwithstanding) should be pretty soon. One of the main bugs seems to be that it's linked itself to eq2.u when it shouldn't have, this may be what is causing your problem, and if so it will definately be sorted.


Code Monkey
Oct 30, 2004
Near Birmingham, UK
There is no requirement to remove the entries from MyU2XMP.ini, they won't affect the normal running of your system if the mutator is disabled. Make sure obviously that you've re-built the MD5 database if you've left the package in your system directory. To disable the mut totally do the opposite of the installation instructions and remove the entry from ServerPackages= (just put a semicolon in front of the entry), and if necessary remove the files from U2XMP/System.

The mutator will not work (ie. will stop your server working) if:

  1. eq2.u from RaptorRace is not available in your system directory (this is a bug that I know about and have now fixed)
  2. You do not add the entry to ServerPackages= in your U2XMP.ini file
  3. You have not rebuilt your MD5 hash table after adding the mutator to your system directory (this is normal procedure when running an XMP server anyway)
You do not need to remove any entries from MyU2XMP.ini, these will simply be ignored if not using the mutator. If you want to you can of course, but providing the .int file still remains, that information will be copied back to the ini every time you run the game/the server.

Hope this solves your problem.
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Nov 21, 2004
Log: Server Package: BSEMapVote_0_42
Warning: Failed to load 'eq2': Can't find file for package 'eq2'
Warning: Failed to load 'BSEMapVote_0_42': Can't find file for package 'eq2'
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Failed to load 'BSEMapVote_0_42': Can't find file for package 'eq2'
Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: UObject::SafeLoadError
Critical: UObject::GetPackageLinker
Critical: UGameEngine:: BuildServerMasterMap
Critical: ULevel::Listen
Critical: Listen
Critical: UGameEngine::LoadMap
Critical: LocalMapURL
Critical: UGameEngine:: Browse
Critical: UGameEngine::Init
Critical: InitEngine
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Waiting for file streaming thread to finish...
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down

thats what happens and the server just shuts down. so do i need to d/l raptorrace and get the eq2 thing?
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