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Ok. While im at work, i don't use my brain alot, it just sits there idle half the time, so i think about stuff (not work related). So if you can, try to understand what im saying here. I have come up with 2 new/different theories about Time Travel. (no joke here) If you know anything aboot quantiume phisycs or stuff like that let me know what you think, and if im wrong.

Theory #1: Im sure that we have all heard of the Grandfather Theory. (if you go back in time and kill your dad or grandfather, then you would never be born) With this in mind here is what i have come up with. If you were to go back in time and kill your dad or grandfather, then you would never exsist, right? well then if you never exsisted, then you could have never come back in time to kill him, there for collapsing the space time continuime. and thus creating a loop of a space-time rip, that would repeadedly destroy the same thing over and over and destroying all in our galaxy.

Theory #2: You travel back in time and you could just think about doing something and it would happen in the future. Why? well if its the future then it has already happened. So say i travel to 1999, and i have a block of cement with me. now if i think and know that im going to put that block there then it would happen before i even do it. (Tachyon speed is similar, but im not sure how that works. I know that if you travel at Tachyon speed, if you could, in theory then, you would arive to your destination before you left.) So would this theroy also create a rip in the fabric of time space? cuz you haven't pysicaly put the block down, but you think about doing.

Let me know if you guys understand this. i want to ask a professor at my girlfriends college about my theories.

o yeah, i never graduated high school either. i dropped out in the 10th grade.

Note: In theory ther are other dimensions than the one that we are in (3d), we think that there is a 4th dimension above ours, but only gravity can get to it, not us. And the theory that the 10th dimension might act like this: You look forward (or rather what you persivie is forward) and you would see the back of you body. if you thru a base ball "forward" at your back, you would get hit in the back by it. werid **** i tell you, just werid.


ranger extraordinaire
Dec 28, 2003
The first one made alot more sense to me because I had thought of that many times when wracking my brains over timetravel. The second I believe not to be so correct. I don't think that thoughts can travel through time to your future self and therefore cause them to do it. The future self will probably just think he'd gone insane when during conversation about pie suddenly thought 'cement block' in his head. You know?


New Member
Jan 23, 2004
Throw in alternate timelines and M-theory and you got yourself a 12 alarm head flurk.
What you really need is three different USS enterprises and some tachyon beams.

headwire said:
The first one made alot more sense to me because I had thought of that many times when wracking my brains over timetravel. The second I believe not to be so correct. I don't think that thoughts can travel through time to your future self and therefore cause them to do it. The future self will probably just think he'd gone insane when during conversation about pie suddenly thought 'cement block' in his head. You know?

not thougts traveling thru time, but the reaction of a thought.

I think about how im going to put a block on the ground, and when i go to drop it, it would already be on the ground in the future. So i could drop that block from 8 miles high in the sky, and then go back to the future in the same spot, then i would not see it, it would be in the ground barried by dirt, dust and stuff. i can't really type out what i think i am thinking, cuz it confuses me too.


Unfortunately, I think both theories suffer from 3d physics. By admittedly 'going back in time', you enter a fourth dimension of reality. Again, just my personal take on it all, but you 'split off' from our reality in this timeline, and begin creating your own.

You go back in time, kill your dad/grandparent, and you cease to exist. Ironically, as soon as you left our timeline, you really did cease to exist in our timelline and the chances of returning to OUR timeline would be immensely slight. However, with the creation of your new timeline, the farther you go into the past, the more that would be changed in you rversion of our present, heheheh...

One would think that the infinity of the universe would be filled with the potential of every option ever.

The 'death loop' you spoke of, though, hmm... causing the destruction of the universe in a paradox of time related events. I dont think so. The momentum of so many lives could hardly be undone by the weight of one existence. But then...

So intriguing, just thinking about stuff like that. And what would the vehicle for the travel be? The USS Enterprise? Heh. Not. The mind? An HG Wellsian contraption in your basement?

What if... what if you were Neo, plugged into the matrix, and you went back in time and became stuck in a vic 20 cassette?

Sgt Heath

New Member
Feb 9, 2004
Time travel problems

Being an amatuer and self-educated physicist, I can tell you that no active (the ones I am in casual contact with like Michio Kaku or Dan Kaufman) physicist takes time travel theories very seriously. Quantum Mechanics or Chaos Theory has NOTHING to do with time travel; QM is actually pretty simple stuff. Chaos theory is barely out of the proving grounds and as such is just philosophical rambling. It sounds interesting, but it's mainly a bunch of self important academic snobs trying to sell a book. The main thing to remember is that there is a HUGE difference between practical applications with the dynamics of our physical universe, and scientific philosophy, which is what time travel theories are.

Basic physics is far more interesting, and you can have alot of fun with experimentations. Time travel is simply, for physicists, a mind exercise. I highly encourage any and all thoughts related to it because it's like lifting weights for the logic and reasoning centers of your mind.

Consider for example, that as you are sitting on your chair, you aren't REALLY in contact with it at all. If you were, you couldn't feel it. I know that's confusing, but that is the basic kind of stuff I find far more interesting. In case you are confused, I will try to explain why you aren't REALLY sitting in that chair.

First, sit very still. Now ask yourself, can I feel my skin? Hang your arms at your side and make no contact with anything. As long as there isn't a fan on you or any air blowing across you, what little feeling you do have is simple mind recognition and the fact that blood is passing through your arms. You are now experiencing the feeling of "Phantom Limbs" that amputees recognize. Sure it's there, because you see it, and you know in your mind that it's there, but you can't (despite all the millions of nerve endings) really FEEL your skin unless something attempts to make contact with it. Now lift your arm and swish it through the air. You feel it much more distinctly now right? You feel it because it's making contact with air particles. But is it REALLY touching the air? No, it's not. If you actually touched it, you would no longer feel it because it would become PART of your arm. That can't happen. The molecules in the air and your arm are charged with offsetting positive and negative ions.

Think of the atomic model we all learned in school. If something makes contact with something else, it fuses or bonds with it and makes something new. It has to be a perfect fit, since the negative and postive charges have to offset. Once it fits together like a puzzle, we can make something new out of the two; H2O for example. Two particles of Hydrogen fit with one particle of Oxygen perfectly. (I understand that it doesn't just happen that way - not without external stimuli - but I am simplifying the explanation for clarity). They actually CONTACT each other and therefore make something new from thier fusion. Since the cells and molecules of your arm doesn't actually contact (heaven forbid!) the molecules of the air, it simply REPELS them. They actually repel each other because they aren't a match for each other. Therefore they push around each other and slip past one another just like two north ends of a magnet. The force that you feel is this attempted, but failed contact.

Consider falling to the floor. Your body just ATTEMPTED to bond with the floor, and you two failed. The force you felt as your teeth flew out and your nose broke was the result of an attempted bonding of particles. Nice try Einstein!

Now that you understand that force is the result of molecules repelling each other, you can now see why the FORCE you feel, and the contact (you think) you feel with the chair is due to the fact that the molecules in your ass and the chair are repelling each other. If you were to grab the bottom of your chair and pull your ass closer, the force of the two actively opposing each other increases doesn't it! So in fact, you are actually hovering above the chair. The distance is measurable in microns and hundreds of millions of an inch, but I guarantee there IS space between you and the chair. Particles and even lifeforms are passing in between the space. If you actually contacted the chair, you wouldn't feel it at all since they would form something new that is independent and no longer a part of you OR the chair.
See how intersting this stuff actually is?!

For those of your interested in Time Travel theories, the Micheal Crichton book, "Timeline" does a decent job of explaining where we are at in our philosophy stage as it applies to time travel. I also recommend the book, "Taking the Quantum Leap" by Scott Alan Wolf. It's a begginers guide to physics for those of us who want to skip all the math and analytical sciences and get right to the heart of physics.

I could go on and on, but I doubt anyone is actually READING this right now. Heh!!.


Dead but not gone.
Jan 4, 2004
I read it, and asinteresting as it is, is not the kind of thing I can debate, since time travel is, as you say, just a mental excecise, and a fun one at that. Since we do know that what you said is true on the other hand, there is no room for debate. But its fun to brag anyway :)

Sgt Heath

New Member
Feb 9, 2004
CyMek said:
I read it, and asinteresting as it is, is not the kind of thing I can debate, since time travel is, as you say, just a mental excecise, and a fun one at that. Since we do know that what you said is true on the other hand, there is no room for debate. But its fun to brag anyway :)

Well, I wasn't trying to brag. I just find this stuff very interesting and I was hoping from the discussion to stimulate interest in the subject of basic physics.

I'm not sure how old some of you are, not that I am making an issue about that, but when you are my age, bragging about things is pretty much a thing of the past if you have any maturity about you at all. If someone feels insecure because someone has something or knows something that they don't, there is nothing you can do about that. So why worry? I just wish I wouldn't have wasted my youth on stupid things that pass. Knowledge is the only thing that serves you; you serve everything else in your life. Think about that one!

As far as dimensions are concerned, the school of thought right now reflects 10 dimensions, with as someone mentioned, the first three dimensions being the space we reside in and time being the fourth. We loosely call time the fourth dimension because we don't know what else to do with it. The fact that time exists at all is a paradox we can't comprehend. The first three dimensions just ARE, and the fourth, time, is a point of reference that allows the first three to be observed. In other words, without time, nothing can actually exist in a measurable way. Jesus, talk about circular reasoning! But it's the best we can do for now.

Unification theory disposes 10 dimensions to us, since many quarks and electrons exist in a loop of two other sets of three dimensional space, some of which are so small the can only be measured mathmatically. So with three different sets of three dimensional space, there is plenty of room for parallel instances of time. Time has been measured to move faster or slower in the other sets of dimensions. In other words, the light you see from a star, in our universe, may have taken millions of years (which I don't uniformly believe) to reach earth. But since light transcends dimensions (we can observe it parting electrons and particles in ways that are not measurable within our measly three dimensions), the star you saw last night may in fact have been born a decade ago, or perhaps may not even been born in our universe yet at all.
Whoah. Heh. This upsets the apple cart of uniformitarian theorists, but it's something you WON'T learn in school since it's contrary to what they wan't you to believe based on thier biased preconceptions.

But as I said before, since mass and objects that exist in our universe can only be observed and measured within the constraints of our own flow of time, therefore it's only logical to deduce that we can't measure or observe anything else that exists within the constraints of it's OWN flow of time. Therefore, parallel universes can easily be explained within this framework. Many people use this as a credible ground to explain supernatural creatures. Entities who exist in another instance of time and therefore can't be readily observed by those of us trapped in our own dimension. But those who believe that can't understand that by definition, no one would ever be able to actually OBSERVE these angels or ghosts since, in our version of time, they can't be measured or observed. Hmm..More confusion for us there. Damn.

Time travel within our OWN universe is universally accepted as not feasible. If, as some believe, we exist in multiple universes (which are another subject outside the 10 dimensions of our own universe), then you could only hope to visit your family decades ago in another universal plane. But we assume too easily that everything would be the same there as it is here, and that is the stuff adressed by the old sci-fi sitcom"Sliders". Which I miss...Darn!
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surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Neurothustra said:
Isn't the 4th Dimension: Time?

Maybe time doesn't exist and it's just an illusion of the mind. Just imagine if time didn't exist. Every moving object would leave a trail behind it to the point where there'd be no space left.
Neurothustra said:
Isn't the 4th Dimension: Time?

One theory is that the 4th dimension is time in the sense that it is a coordinate, like T in parametrics and that every event has X, Y, and Z coords. for 3d space and T for the time it occurred.
Time the way most people think of it is really just a bunch of mechanical devices that are in sync with each other, nothing more.

Somewhat OT, even though this thread is already way off: Another really interesting theory is that the universe is a lot smaller than we percieve and that it "fish eyes" and there is no actual edge. If you sent a particle in a straight line it would eventually end up exactly where it started, disregarding any planet motion etc...


Jan 22, 2004
I personally think if you were able to travel back in time you would end up in another universe,same planet,same sky color,but little differences,like Kennedy never got shot down for an example,this is a real scientific theory and a lot of people are researching this.The us army has also a lot of underground bases were they are doing quantum research,there's even a mountain in Switzerland with quantum research.In this theory if you would travel back in time and kill you're grandfather nothing happens cause it's not really you're grandfather,it's the grandfather of you in that time/planet/dimension.Dunno if any of you guys ever watched that show on tv called sliders,it's similar to that.I personally do not think that time travel is impossible,but we won't see it in our lifetime,anybody who is intersted in this subject should do a lot of research on Dante and make up you're mind.


Jan 22, 2004
Fearless said:
Maybe time doesn't exist and it's just an illusion of the mind. Just imagine if time didn't exist. Every moving object would leave a trail behind it to the point where there'd be no space left.
Time is an illusion made up by humans to get our lives a little organized,i think Einstein proved that time is relative,not sure about that.


New Member
Mar 27, 2004
this thread has everything to do with xmp

i read

im responding

after reading both of those theroy's i believe that the first one could in fact be possible
i have never considered the second one

Mar 6, 2004
You're the first person to go back in time smot, how does it feel bringing a thread from the past to the present? gimme half your money or ban1!11


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Demo_Boy said:
What does this thread have to do with XMP?
This man speaketh the truth.

This thread is such a pile of horse****. It is not possible to travel backwards in time and alter it (you could view it, but not alter it). Why can't you alter it? Because it already happened!
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