I did not mean to say that fragging-skills should be the 'be all and end all' of a gametype.
I mean that being able to survive and be a threat to opponents should not depend on map-knowledge.
Key : "easy to learn / difficult to master" is what is needed.
Assault never was 'easy' to learn.
Would you like a list of people that have participated in the Assault mixers with no map knowledge and done well? In UT99, yes it was very hard for new guys, but not at all in 2k4. It had about the same learning curve as 2k4 itself.
there's a difference between having 'the upper hand' and being unstoppable.
In a gametype that can be within a minute (easily true for Assault) it's next to impossible to learn anything.
Name one game type where knowledge does can not make you unstoppable. I played against some of the best in every game type, and the ones that I was n00b to, owned me, that is the way it should be, just like in real life. I have been welding for 13 years, exactly 50% of my life, I am better than most at it.
Assault takes totally different skill set than other game types, but it is no different in how it is learned.
It is about as likely in a pub to win in less than a minute in 99, impossible in 2k4. Only in competitive situations are you likely to see map times that small in 99, and only when teams screw up, in 2k4 3:30 is about the fastest you can compete the quickest map, Fallen. I did not come to 2k4 AS with much knowledge, but it was not hard to learn. They have an announcer and a giant arrow telling you what to do. Many people also asked questions, and unlike TDM or CTF, the AS community was helpful, not insulting
tricks that are unknown to newbies create an impossibly steap learning-curve and result in a community that can't possibly grow.
Have you never seen a noob in a server that can't dodge? I have. I have seen guys that don't know some of the simplest things. It is called learning. I did not know about sliding on the ramps in Rankin, I watched and learned, i did not know about shield jumping (it is disabled in AS), so I had someone teach me.
Assault did grow, just had to find people that wanted to play something different.
if these are available then you wouldn't need Epic to re-create Assault for UT3, would you ?
Should be a piece of cake for a community as large and as dedicated to the game as the one for Assault ...
the guide lines where for mapping.
I would not have wanted Epic to do it. They seem to screw things up the more they work with them. Most Assaulter's moved to newer games when UT3 came out, they gave up on Epic. I find it a good thing they didn't have it, I don't need to be addicted again. 99 and 2k4 where fantastic games that sucked up 3-4 years of my life, a piece.
Assault-maps for UT'99 pretty much requires the exact physics, movement & weapon-balance as was present in that game.
UT2kx (and UT3) drastically changed those aspects and thus make it impossible to port existing maps.
This is a problem for every gametype, but given the importance of these aspects for these maps in the gametype it pretty much broke any maps that depended on these features as soon as they changed.
This suggests to me that the maps were already broken back in UT'99 but the community had accepted those design-flaws as features.
I would not call them broken, but whatever. I prefer challenges and new ways of thinking to get things done, if you like to be directed on a very linear path, then so be it.
Relying on broken/undocumented features always results in problems as no one can guaruantee that those items will be available in a new version.
Correct. Game designers always change things between games, even when they work.
I do like your title, it is fitting for our discussion