Assault in 2k7?

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New Member
Aug 29, 2005
As you probably all well know some footage was released of ut2k7 about a week back.Now I read round the web that there would be no assault in the game and I felt like killing them guys at epic.If you turn up your volume while watching the footage you can easily make out a few objective sounds from the announcer.2 main ones which I noticed were "Barricade destroyed" and "Plant the explosives".And I'm %100 sure that it isn't conquest because the map is very similar to AS-Fallencity in 2k4 with the layout of the objectives and the fact that its a destroyed city (duh! :p).It still says in the UT2007 info on BeyondUnreal main site that "Assault will not be included" , but my oppinion is that it's there and hey maybe they will even include Bombing Run , who knows.

Share your views :)


Oct 27, 2002
I think when making the video, Epic just wanted to demonstrate the very basic ideas of the game (visuals, and a few select weapons and vehicles). They've already stated that there isn't going to be much media to show off of this game for a while because they are playing each level like crazy to get the gameplay refined before they stick in the visuals.

As for the demonstration itself, I think Epic just didn't feel like going through and recording a whole bunch of announcements when they already had several made and ready to go. I also really doubt that map will ever be released in its current state. Maybe later it will be expanded into a conquest map but I doubt it will look/play how it is in the demonstration.


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Why would they convert Assault maps into Conquest maps As conquest is supposed to be a whole new game mode.Im a dedicated Assault player and I know that is AS-FallenCity renewed in 2k7.As you can see in the footage the streets are very small so no chance of many vehicles in there.The first objective in fallen is the barricade and the last is planting the explosives.I highly doubt they will extend the map as it already has the start and the finish.They might just make the route longer and fill in the objectives in between.


Oct 27, 2002
Yes, and as I said I think Epic put together that level for demonstration purposes only. Assault is not in UT2007. Conquest is a mix of Onslaught and Assault however, so they might take a portion of that level and use it in a Conquest map.

And by the way, I was in the #1 Assault clan in the US for a while, so I am familiar with AS-FallenCity ;)


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Well if theres no Assault I don't know if the Epic team will have enough people to finish the game ;)
*loads bazooka*


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
I dunno... from everything I've been able to gather about Conquest (or whatever it's supposed to be called now), it's kind of like Assault transmogrified into some kind of campaign. Like, you play the attackers and if you win you go on to attack on the next map, and if you lose you have to defend the previous map or somesuch.

That's extremely vague and probably not quite right... but then, that's just the way I am :p . And anyway, I arrived at that by digesting a bunch of vague info on the gametype that came out last month or so, so like most good myths it's got some basis in fact apparently.

My real, certain opinion? AS people might want to wait before they grab the torches and pitchforks... info on this new gametype is pretty sketchy so far. Who know, might be good?


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Might be good , Might not. Ill keep the pitchforks and torches locked away as long as I can from the European fellas. ;)

Problems I know European Assaulters had was how some of the Assault maps had gotten so big due to vehicles being added and made games extremely laggy meaning less fun.So thats the only thing I can see being wrong.


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
hmm I found this at the Amped DX website about the footage :

"In the whole presentation the word "Conquest" wasn't mentioned. But when he (Jeff) talked about the gametype with the objectives he called it "Unreal Warfare". In the whole presentation the word "Conquest" wasn't mentioned. But when he (Jeff) talked about the gametype with the objectives he called it "Unreal Warfare". In the whole presentation the word "Conquest" wasn't mentioned. But when he (Jeff) talked about the gametype with the objectives he called it "Unreal Warfare". "


Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
That's because epic have now announced that it's being called unreal warfare, not conquest. That was a temp name, same as Codename Envy was the temp name for the game till they decided on the proper title.


New Member
Jul 24, 2005
As you probably all well know some footage was released of ut2k7 about a week back.Now I read round the web that there would be no assault in the game and I felt like killing them guys at epic.If you turn up your volume while watching the footage you can easily make out a few objective sounds from the announcer.2 main ones which I noticed were "Barricade destroyed" and "Plant the explosives".And I'm %100 sure that it isn't conquest because the map is very similar to AS-Fallencity in 2k4 with the layout of the objectives and the fact that its a destroyed city (duh! :p).It still says in the UT2007 info on BeyondUnreal main site that "Assault will not be included" , but my oppinion is that it's there and hey maybe they will even include Bombing Run , who knows.
It was Unreal Warfare/ Conquest, The way it works is that using the UE3 streaming technology, they are able to attach maps to each other at the ends. This City is a map within the Conquest/Unreal Warfare world, It has its own objectives and battles but you can always travel outside the city and do objectives in other maps that are connected to it from all directions. This forms a global frontline which expands over multiple maps, its very cool in my opinion. But from what I understand about this streaming technology, 2Gigs of RAM will be the minimum requirement to run UT2007 because the computer will always be loading the adjacent maps to whichever map you're in.


Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Ehm...Wolfy...I understand how you feel about assault not being included, but has it ever crossed your mind that nobody is going to force you to buy UT2007? UT2004 will still be there, so if you just stick to that game, you'll have all the assault you need. The new game won't have it, so there'll be less assault fanatics making the switch in games. In addition, you won't have to upgrade your computer to some pwning machine.

I just don't get it why people get mad at things they don't need...


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
Considering the backlash Epic recieved due to the lack of AS in 2k3, I think they're crazy to not have it in 2k7.
I guess we'll see when 2k7 is released

If no AS then, I'm sure either people will flip out like hyped up children or some coders will take up the task(as long as we don't have that fiasco again like last time)


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Sure Epic got lots of complaints. They added Ass back in ... and still they complained and whined a lot about how it wasn't like what they wanted.

/me thinks that Epic thought : "well, screw you then .... you had your chance, now we're going to fix it *our* way".

Besides ... IMHO Conquest/Warfare = Assault v3.0 / Onslaught v2.0
A gametype that is (finally) playable by both newbies as well as veterans alike, unlike the previous versions which had such steep learning curves that new players had no chance at all.


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Taleweaver said:
Ehm...Wolfy...I understand how you feel about assault not being included, but has it ever crossed your mind that nobody is going to force you to buy UT2007? UT2004 will still be there, so if you just stick to that game, you'll have all the assault you need. The new game won't have it, so there'll be less assault fanatics making the switch in games. In addition, you won't have to upgrade your computer to some pwning machine.

I just don't get it why people get mad at things they don't need...

Assault is now dead in 2k4.Due to the fact people have got bored of having to play the same 5/6 maps Epic gave the mode , so many noobies started creating trial + race maps and you can't even have a proper ladder with them maps , it was never supported by Epic at all so new people to the game probably didn't even try it , as all they did was talk about ONS ONS ONS before the game was released.


Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Wolfy-ni said:
Assault is now dead in 2k4.Due to the fact people have got bored of having to play the same 5/6 maps Epic gave the mode , so many noobies started creating trial + race maps and you can't even have a proper ladder with them maps , it was never supported by Epic at all so new people to the game probably didn't even try it , as all they did was talk about ONS ONS ONS before the game was released.
As JaFo stated...they added it in, but the complaints didn't subside. Everyone had a different opinion on assault, so every change Epic could do would disappoint players. Add that to the fact that it takes much longer to make a map (about 4x longer than any other gametype, IIRC), the steep learning curve of the gametype (every map requires extra learning) and the decision to support onslaught instead isn't so weird after all. :hmm:


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
ONS is the noobiest mode of them all.....
Supporting the gametype which is bringing noobies who don't see the competitive side of ut? :confused:


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
Taleweaver said:
Add that to the fact that it takes much longer to make a map (about 4x longer than any other gametype, IIRC), the steep learning curve of the gametype (every map requires extra learning) and the decision to support onslaught instead isn't so weird after all. :hmm:

Right. The new formula for AS was so complicated that the community for it (or what community was available to it after the UT99 AS crew turned up their noses) was unable to sustain itself. Custom AS maps for UT99 were probably difficult to balance, but certainly nowhere near as difficult just to create. And even the official 2k4 AS maps had issues, or so I understand. I didn't play it much. :lol:

The new Kismet scripting system is supposed to alleiviate a whole lot of that difficulty in 2k7, BTW. So Conquest/ UW/ Gametype X may be able to carry on where 2k4 AS failed. And I still say there's a chance it might not suck, so don't count that chicken before it's hatched says I.

ONS is the noobiest mode of them all.....
Supporting the gametype which is bringing noobies who don't see the competitive side of ut? :confused:

Hey, nice flamebait there. Well done. :rolleyes:


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Wolfy-ni said:
ONS is the noobiest mode of them all.....
Supporting the gametype which is bringing noobies who don't see the competitive side of ut? :confused:
At least that gametype is bringing in new players.
Assault otoh is only succeeding in scaring them off.


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Discord said:
might not suck, so don't count that chicken before it's hatched says I.

But I've read so much info about it that I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a chicken. ;)