Are you still happy with Trump so far?

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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
^You can't shoot a giant turd to go away. Makes just a bigger mess. You have to shovel it away. ;)


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
No, thought you meant Trump hasn't been shot yet.

edit: I've read your ain't as he hasn't instead of I havn't. Didn't know that word is a contraction and way too imprecise. I'd fistbump or bro you if I'd meet you on the street dotnet, no worries you got my sympathies.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?



Jul 2, 2011
I hated him going in, but all the whining and disingenuous marching since his inauguration has me almost rooting for him now.

Also my weekend shooting competitions aren't cancelled so that's a plus.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
all the whining and disingenuous marching since his inauguration has me almost rooting for him now.
if you're being remotely serious then this statement says a lot about you... and none of it is good.

Trump is a pig whose behavior is unbecoming of the office that he only won by dividing and bullying and lying his way through. everything he touches thus far is constitutionally, ethically, morally, and legally tenuous. it'll be a miracle if he's not impeached within 2 years.


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It's time I look back from outer space
Feb 12, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Kellyanne Conway just tried pushing Ivanka's brand, which is basically a conflict of interests (and also illegal).

Betsy DeVos basically paid her way into her position (by buying off votes) despite having no qualifications.

Spicer unironically retweeted an Onion post about himself lying and attempted to save face. The same man who fought a 4 year war with Dippin' Dots brand ice cream.

Pruitt is likely to dismantle the EPA, being the giant oil shill that he is.

And Trump complains about the hand towels on air force one, tweets 20mins into his intelligence briefings about Nordstrom somehow being unfair to his daughter, blunders about in phone calls, basically disrupts old alliances, and goes on to brag about "how much of an electoral college margin I won by". At the morning prayer breakfast, he went on a giant run-on sentence about things and then proceeded to talk trash about Schwarzenegger and his old show that he was kicked out of.

Not only that, but he has had 50 lawsuits filed against him in a matter of two weeks. He still hasn't released his tax returns, and is trying to restructure the government to protect him and his cronies from being criminally charged.

This is the pettiest fucking president I've ever seen. Makes Nixon look like a fucking saint.

Tell me again how protesting his presidency is disingenuous.

Not to mention he's vehemently anti-science, anti-intellect, and has had scientists protest his appointees.

"The Muslim ban" was a total headfake, too. He was testing the waters of how far he could push his executive orders.
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
"The Muslim ban" was a total headfake, too. He was testing the waters of how far he could push his executive orders.

I agree on all your points but I have to comment on this one. Had he included Saudi Arabia on the list of banned countries I would have applauded him. Shows it's all about the money for him and his cronies.
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Jul 2, 2011
Will you feel safe at your competitions knowing that people with mental problems might be participating?

This is a great example of the kind of disingenuous wailing that I've grown so tired of recently. This has never been a real problem. It's a partisan talking point meant to appeal to trivial fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Do you feel safe while driving a motor vehicle, knowing that the other drivers have been licensed via a system in which NO MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING OCCURS!?!?!

Trump is a terrible president for actual reasons, pertaining to governance and everything, which impacts the lives of real people in measurable ways. But to read the comments about Trump in this thread, one might think that the US government was a largely inconsequential social club, without any power or responsibilities, and we ought to judge its representatives based merely on how much we like their personalities.

This is my problem with the broader political discourse in the US—it's almost exclusively focused on things that don't matter. Automation is accelerating the end of employment, climate trends probably threaten our continued existence, poverty is somehow still a thing, and we're talking about whether the head of the executive seems egotistical in our opinion.

I worry that this pervasive misdirection makes it almost impossible for us to identify good candidates in the future. People talk about Clinton being the better candidate because she "seemed presidential" and so on, which enrages and terrifies me, because it sounds good enough to satisfy people while managing to miss everything remotely important about being president.

Maybe I should just be thankful we're not contemplating Obama's totally plausible death panels, or the equally convincing reports that Trump is a Russian spy.
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