I know what you mean, but I think for me that maybe bacause I made the model and stuff, that I want to be able to see the broken copter in action cuz it's so much fun. I have to think about the practical playability of it, which is where you know you guys come in. I'll bring down both threshholds by 100 points and the heavy damage thing, like you suggested. I tried to get the thing to be only a rear hit, but I don't understand the collision well enough to do that yet. Do vehicles only have spherical collision boundaries?
It may mean less time to see the glory of my work (if that's what it can be called
, but if it means better gameplay, then that's what it'll be!
I haven't yet uploaded the latest version, with the sparks and spinning view and all, but I think the entire project will be done tonite, so I'll upload it then.
Thanks for the crits!
I'm going to enter this in the MSUC for the Vehicle category, doubt it'll win, but after, I'm going to work on a first person model - you know, cockpit and all. I was also thinking it might be cool to add a radar to show where other enemy craft may be.
Just thinking out loud...